W. B. Geats

"Stinson is also auctioning off bits and pieces of his broken bass guitars, signed merchandise, and the chance to shoot dirty pool with the band on the site."

The Bob stuff was just crushing.

I'm really glad this story turned around because I recently rewatched The Strangers and your first paragraph fucked me up.

"In the Pennsylvania suburb of Shamokin, a 35-year old man is accused of dropping a hunting-style knife into the trick-or-treat basket of a three-year old boy."

You see, that's "dirty."

The prosecution presents Exhibit A: Charlie Sheen's bag and its contents.

28 Days Later and The Last of Us were the last two "zombie" stories I really enjoyed, and they didn't even feature zombies from a strict, purist standpoint.

Feel free to not watch or comment?

I'm also wondering if there are multiple models of certain hosts, and this episode could be read that way.

I'm upvoting for the backhanded defense of True Detective season 2.

Really amazing contrast with Jeffrey Wright's tender conversational approach with Wood.

"That dress and I have been through some shit."

(feat. Dawes)

"Big Bang in a heavy-metal sort of way"

Plus With the Lights Out was mostly a disappointment already, so I'm not itching for more unreleased track. Cool looking box, though.

Ain't nothin' to fuck with is an inspiring abstinence only message.

If there's anything Republicans are noted for, it's their taste in music. Real game changer.

I would watch a feature length movie of Nick Nolte yelling at Elias Koteas over a handheld radio.

Low energy!

"China wouldn't provide a red carpet stairway from Air Force One and then Philippines President calls Obama 'the son of a whore.' Terrible!" - @realDonaldTrump