W. B. Geats

Grabbing her pussy is a very risky proposition.

Thomas Haden Church's crucified-Jesus-pose-with-stuffed-animal-pizza was delightful.

That was a couple weeks ago. Last week was Debussy's "Reverie," which, ha.

Man chasing death/AI chasing life is a good twist on the typical AI gains sentience plot line.

We'll always have Firefly.

I won't go out on a limb for the dialogue, but Maeve and Dolores are definitely compelling host characters.

Her storyline's focus on body horror is a great concept, especially in a show that's already built on two other genres.

I love that Logan wants it both ways. The park is a) Just A Game and b) Shows You Who You Really Are.

Plus all the actual physical and witness evidence suggests that her alleged final seconds affirming God to the shooter never happened. She was just shot.

Look if the election's rigged it's incumbent on the POTUS to fix things with state government cooperation before we hold it. He'll need another 4 years to right this ship, folks.

It'd be nice if a guest showed up and painted their wagon instead.

*takes shot when Teddy dies*

I got into a fight with a couple British Trump-supporting dudes at a bar last night over Trump and a number of Jameson shots, and concluded they were 1) a Scottish/EU national and 2) an English green card holder. Decided I didn't care to continue.

mmmmmm chitinous exoskeleton

Donald Trump is much worse than the assholes you PvP.

Classic… police?

In Limbaugh's mind "lack of consent" is basically on par with "saying the word pussy" or "having a threesome" or "listening to Beyonce," which really is a glimpse into the void that is the American right wing's sexual hangup.

It really says something about how unlikable Nancy Grace is that the Kremlin's agit-prop branch would take a break from attempting to rig eastern European and American elections to get some pot shots in.

"To Grace’s credit, she (or more likely her social media manager) have recently toned down her hashtag game, probably after a moment of sobering self-examination and/or picking up on the years of ridicule"

Which sounds like a fun time in theory but in reality it means agonizing over whether your weekday afternoon pick me up is a cup of Earl Grey or English Breakfast while a line forms for the Keurig.