W. B. Geats

You spent 2-3 hours to bone up on your Bone?

"L'homme Se Faire Frapper avec Footbal"

CLINT EASTWOOD: I hate the pussy generation.
CLINT: You're part of that generation…
SCOTT: True, true.

Biden's more of an Icehouse tallboy man.

In retrospect the Politburo letterhead should have been a give away.

You know right now Boehner's hotboxing a tanning bed with Camel Ultra Lights, a glass of Pinot Grigio at his side. At this very hour.

Whenever I hear "pussygate" I think of the chastity belt in Robin Hood: Men in Tights.

Close. It was Radiohead's "No Surprises."

With Bush's suspension, it's nice to note that the moral bar for being a Today Show host is measurably higher than the bar for being the GOP nominee.

"The calls to drop out are coming from inside the house."

I think the short answer is that it's been becoming obvious that he's going to lose spectacularly, and Rs views this tape as adequate political cover to ditch. This goes doubly for candidates like Coffman (CO CD-6) who are in true toss-up districts.

Crapulent is perfectly cromulent.

Illegally downloading movies for your kids is the modern day, first world equivalent of Jean Valjean stealing bread for his family.

I went years downloading a wide variety of movies to complete radio silence from the ISP, and they fucking got me on Ashton Kutcher's No Strings Attached which I'd downloaded at my girlfriend's request.

"As I said before, I've got full blown AIDS."

Liked it a lot more than I thought I would based on the trailer and the original movie.

Blind Willie Johnson's record of "John the Revelator" is incredibly haunting. His grinding vocals in call and response with his wife's smoother vocals really gets me.

Never thought it would come to this, but maybe you aren't drunk enough?

Walk with me, KGB / through the park and by the tree

I hope they asked to borrow his towels because their car hit a water buffalo.