W. B. Geats

"Good talk, son."

Helps that Efron is hilarious in those movies.

"Miles Teller, king of movie bro-dom"

Yep, as she should.

Yes. What's the question again?

To be fair to Brando, he was reading the lines off his infant son's bib.

Professional political consultants are spending their time calculating commission structures on ad buys.

Also, for a little while there if you typed a dollar figure to someone in FB chat (say you wrote "$150") a little prompt would pop up asking if you wanted to send them that money.

Fortunately he'll have an wide open opportunity to remind everyone tomorrow night.

Please, we've moved on to how weak combat veterans with PTSD are.


The thing that jumped out at me from the DoJ report on the Baltimore PD was that they committed civil rights violations directly in front of DoJ officials.

Here's why Ken Burns included Donald Trump in Central Park Five.

You know he's whispering sweet nothings/Steely Dan lyrics.

Dear Principal Brown - Please excuse Michael for being late or absent from school today. He came to the VFW to meet me and to play lookout while I score some kush in the parking lot.

This lines up with his own staff's recent description of him as a toddler to CNN: "One ally described Trump as the kind of guy who can't simply be told a stove is hot — he has to touch it to see for himself."

“Hearing about the impending closure of the Carnegie deli is akin to receiving the news that your favorite grandparent has days to live."

Presumably O'Neal didn't put any tags on this one because, the fuck?

"I choo-choo-choose you" - Branagh

I've read the stories and I'm still not sure what the facts are. We *can* say for sure that Trump's lawyer comes from the Barry Zuckerkorn school of law with his whole “You cannot rape your spouse… there’s very clear case law" bit.