W. B. Geats

You'd think that'd cause Giuliani cognitive dissonance, but for him the 9/11 attacks happened or didn't happen in quantum state depending on whether he's aggrandizing himself or George W. Bush.

*hides hashtags in desk drawer*

See username.

The son of a bitch knows story structure.

Presumably his passenger in the header has that horrified expression because he's about to get pulled over by a cop.

On the other hand you could take a vinyl record, rip the files to digital format, and burn to CD for free. The popular record industry has always been based on physical distribution, and digital recordings have well and truly fucked everything up in that respect. I lean towards Steve Albini's view of the absurdity of

I use them to rip, for example, The Replacements' hilarious/amazing The Shit Hits the Fans bootleg which was only released on 10K cassettes in the mid-80s. No one is losing any money on that except possibly some seller on Ebay.

I thought he was funny as shit at the WH Press Correspondents' Dinner and, most important, he is not Jimmy Fallon.

I imagine him downing cheap beer and well whiskey at the local VFW doing the retractable velociraptor claw trick ("he'll slash you here and here and here") to anyone who walks by.

Technically there's no dialogue, just 3 uninterrupted hrs of "Gimme Shelter."

I love the tired accusation that HRC is "over-ambitious." What's the appropriate degree of ambition for someone running for president of the United States?

I love that Fernandez grinned at the dumbfounded batter, who wasn't even mad.

*counts Xanax bars*

Kennedys doesn't sound very much like "tramps."

I once saw Springsteen build a wall of Marshall stacks.

Trumps like us, baby, we were born into a great deal of wealth and large starter loans from our fathers.

I think you can focus on the big stuff while also saying, hey, this costume is a terrible idea! We can walk and chew gum.

"I don't see the problem here." - Mike Tyson

I'm a huge Dirty Projectors fan (almost wrote "DP fan" then thought better), but my old band opened for them once and they wouldn't give us the time of day backstage. Was pretty disappointing as a big fan. Maybe it was an off day for them.

"Tom Selleck’s Magnum Sr."