W. B. Geats

I'll let you explain that to him.

I think for some it's even more cynical than that. Some of the objectors probably know it's benign but want to derail a black man in America who is trying to make a point that they don't want to engage with at all.

I'll never forget the dude on live TV during the Bundy Ranch standoff telling the press that they were using their wives as human shields so the feds would look bad, which… OK.

No, but TJ Miller might if they bring piss to a shit fight.

"it really seemed like there was some kind of metaphor in play about how some of the people were trapped in this triangle while others were free to wear Kanye West’s fashions and walk along the borders of the triangle. We’re not sure what it all meant…"

This is starting to feel like Stewie ripping on Brian's novel.

AVC continues its war against thigh gaps.

I call that "metal as fuck."

I actually *do* know AC! I've met her several times, I'm sorry to say.

"She formed an organization called the Eagle Forum in 1973, advertising it as 'an alternative to women’s liberation'"

OK, but how do I get this U2 album off my Batpod.

On the other hand, to truly become "the enemy" here I'd have to reflexively hate whole classes of people, whereas in reality I only really hate her.

Wait, we were supposed to wear pants the first time?

*slowly puts Det. Beowulf script back in drawer*

Except for that video of the dude in West Village who was caught on CCTV popping out of a sewer grate, throwing a smoke bomb and then disappearing back down the sewer.

Being the Daily Mail means never having to say you're sorry.

Eh, I think Trump's best worst racial stuff is when he took out print ads in NY calling for the death penalty for the Central Park Five (later exonerated). Some prefer his earlier work in housing discrimination.

Weird, I haven't had any problems with mi

I'll allow it as long as Father John Misty continues doing a good job of making fun of Adams doing a bad job.

I didn't realize I wanted a Werner Herzog Star Wars commentary track until now.