W. B. Geats

My other favorite stipulation: “In some circumstances, such food, food money and/or catering must be earned by the players, at the Producer’s discretion.”

It can be… *sigh* whatever, man.

Heaven is a place where punctuation never happens.

*tosses Robert's Rules of Order aside*

S + B = J-R

In fairness, sometimes stuff "really sucks" too.

If I stroked out can I go home early from work

mmmmm icing of vulnerability

1st listen - whole record, not looking at track titles
2nd-4th listen - whole record, paying attention to individual songs, revisiting favorites
5th-50th listen - last minute of "White Ferrari," maybe crying, maybe in public

Maybe the author's big secret is that he never sent it to a lab and instead ate a bucket on his couch then licked his fingers.

I finally got around to reading the long Variety/Daily Beast pieces about the case (since I also really didn't know what to think) and here's what really gave me pause. When the victim called Parker a week later to confront him, while illegally recording the call, he denied that Celestin was there altogether. Claims

The Costigan-Sullivan foot chase scene is much less exciting on a grid system.

Technically McDonald's says the beef in their burgers is "100%" but doesn't refute West on the McRibs.

My co-worker just walked over and informed me that Dennis Rodman showed up and got on stage? I have to imagine the Venn diagram intersection of Kim Jong-un/Eddie Vedder fans is a single person.

"The song 'Mr. Officer' bemoans police brutality against black youths. 'Why do you wanna see me in a coffin, sir?' he asks."

And my sax!

Sounds like Tool is on hiatus.

The Confessions of St. Augustine VR, rated AO

Clickhole: Gaming Safety FTW: The Pokémon In Pokémon Go Will Now Scream When A Player Is Within A Mile Of A Registered Sex Offender

Apparently the attorneys for Mike's Hard Lemonade had to call To Catch a Predator producers, asking them to stop showing their product on air.