W. B. Geats

Annie Clark looks like she's wearing a fur coat made from the hides of Sesame Street characters.

His publicist missed the rare opportunity to claim his celebrity client was in the hospital for "fake exhaustion."

"Wilmore mocked the fact that The Daily Show gave pastries."

Stephen Tyler outed as commenter behind AN DOG ON INTERNET gimmick account.

Are you referring to the landing strip on his fingernails?

Whisky Advocate magazine ($18.00 for a one-year subscription)

Preferably in acrostic form.

"Oh, Leto's just administering a Voight-Kampff test to the craft services guy."

"Also in Chicago, The Whistler touted last winter that it would be transforming into the Star Wars cantina to coincide with the release of The Force Awakens."

*attorney leans over and whispers in ear*

He looks like Barry Zuckerkorn's dumber, belligerent doppelgänger.

Nah, Metzger is just a dick.

Law and Order: UCB

So, what, is Schumer just now realizing that Kurt Metzger is a titanic asshole?

“Arrived here safely, but it is not a very nice place,” the vocalist wrote nearly five decades ago of France. “I don’t think the people like long hair.”

Well, this is exceptionally depressing, and I'm not sure what to think either. Right off the bat, though, Parker's statement is a bit bizarre and elliptical, not really offering any clarity at all.

Almost certainly not.

Here at Chotchkies, we call it flair.

"[Trump] he did not run the publication himself… Instead, that responsibility went to a mysterious, somewhat shady figure named Michael Jacobson, who had previously worked for Bob Guccione."

A Paul Thomas Anderson/Spike Lee Joint