W. B. Geats

I can respect that.

Oh boy, here he goes… not… killing again.

Featuring McG. Love and Special Sauce

According to the Daily Beast the weirdest Olympic sport is Grindr.

*Nerdherder gets shitfaced, falls asleep on couch*

They probably made him put on that Olympic shirt at the door.

"and Stanley Tucci does something in the background."

He'd be better off doing Spectacular Now Redux.

Linked Trump tweet: "How is ABC Television allowed to have a show entitled 'Blackish'? Can you imagine the furor of a show, 'Whiteish'! Racism at highest level?"

State party time! Excellent!

"I’ve had fantastic directors who have said officially to my agents and managers they will never hire me again. They will never even see me for projects. That’s unfair. It’s just like Communism."

"The Comedy Daredevil was then trapped in the precarious position of trying to extinguish his flaming clothes while managing a foot-long foie gras tube lodged in his esophagus."

Any further roasts are unnecessary after Obama and Meyers torched the motherfucker to his face at the 2011 White House Correspondents’ Dinner.

There was a time in this country when red blooded AVC commenters picked the low hanging fruit.

I think we ought to permanently preface Enlightened with "the underappreciated" or just retroactively make it part of the title.


I guess I intellectually understand that Gladiator isn't "great film," but when it comes on TV I'm watching it.

Stop calling Teti that.

On the other hand at least China isn't being asked to save Matt Damon.

At a certain price point dildos become write-offs.