W. B. Geats

Nah, I'm sure a lot of commenters here don't do anything in their beds other than sleep.

Yeah, scrolling…


I like Bran's Burt Reynolds deal.

“Working with New Belgium Brewing and Protect our Winters to be able to impact climate was a highlight of 2015, and so, we’re doing it again"

"I don't know. Maybe it was 4chan."

Does the DVD include the S6 ending as a special feature?

Remains the Same.

Brother, I like your style!

Goodell Hunting

*cue Yakety Sax*

"Now back to our round-the-clock coverage of the search for the missing Corellian freighter."

For my monster from his abs began to rise/
And suddenly to my surprise/
He did the mash

Technically if Clinton becomes president she'll have been the first president to have had sex with another president, unless there's more truth to my Adams/Jefferson fan fic than I thought.

Zeus, you in danger, girl.

"I'm going to hang upside down now."

“getting yelled at by J.K. Simmons”

She's talking about something that happened 14 years ago, so close.

"waist $5"

When George Carlin talked about humanity "circling the drain," he failed to take into account that we won't fit.