W. B. Geats

O'Neal tweeted he's coming back to AVC literally a minute or so after you posted this.

Hamilton is very well loved outside of the AVC, and for good reason.

That top picture looks like a stage fight rehearsal from a high school musical.

Dustin “Samuel ‘Screech’ Powers” Diamond

While I agree it's probably time for it to come to end soon, I'm not sure the plot has ever been especially coherent or plausible.

Trump's response is basically the platonic ideal of a Trump response:

If Wun Wun dies, we riot.

This tracks with Dikachu's El Dan definition of teen/tween from earlier today.

Nobody's joking. He's a terrible speller.

"Grandpa, are you sitting on the apple pie?"
"I sure hope so!"

If only we could average them to some sort of middle value.

Enough with the Hamilton posts.

There honestly should be. Dude is a monster guitarist.

"No one will ever believe you. Because you're a meth head."

Yeah, well Mark Twain didn't check his answering machine either.

Basically the federalists and anti-federalists indulged in the time honored American political tradition of punting the football on whatever the hell the amendment means.

*Konami execs cough politely and look around conference table*

More like Fraud City.

I'm pretty sure OJ Simpson is going to be the only celebrity that 2016 doesn't kill.

Entertaining Tumblr exchange between a fan and LMM last year: