W. B. Geats

Whatever you do, don't ask about the madwoman in the attic.

It's a fair criticism. That said The Civil War is an unusual case in terms of his work because the subject *desperately* needed correctives from the Lost Causism coloring the historiography up to that point. Most 20th century Americans didn't spend much time thinking about the war and as a result right wing kooks

Damned Copperheads!

I mean, George McClellan had it coming.

Mason Vale Cotton sounds like the villain in a 70s exploitation flick.

I guess that depends on how much credibility you invest in his son's testimony.

“All I intended to do was shoot her in the leg. And then I shot her in the leg and that was it.”

"Alternately referred to as the Funk Bible"

Whenever a popular artist complains about the death of the record industry's old distribution methods, it makes me think about Steve Albini's "The Problem with Music" series and how record labels were heartily fucking their artists (particularly smaller, niche bands) well before the rise of streaming.

"Ten Dueling Banjo Commandments"

"But it seems one of the birds got pre-opening night jitters, and flew away during the first preview performance on Tuesday."

Peter Sarsgaard was also incredible in that movie. The two made for amazing on-screen antagonism.

“there’s no question the havoc and villainy she brings,” but you’re still somehow attracted to her. Tyler says “you can kind of see yourself in this villain”

according to the wording of the lawsuit, they include things like “graffiti and persons with head down,” “red persons with eyes obscured,” “parking garage,” “title card screens,” “feet on the street,” and “side-lit ominous figures.”

Both Letterman and J.K. Simmons look like they're preparing to cross over to Essos to serve as advisers for Daenerys.

Fried chicken.

"Does Superman wear a t-shirt with a blazer?"
"God no."
"Hard pass."

I forgot how weird Cold Mountain was.

The phrase "grimdark" comes from 40k's tagline. It's become a pejorative (for good reason a lot of the time) but when I was younger there was a real thrill to the brutality of that universe.

From one of Blizzard's producers: "Years after the launch of Warcraft my dad, upon returning from a trip to Asia, gave me a present of a set of Warhammer miniatures in the form of a skeleton charioteer and horses with the comment: 'I found these cool toys on my trip and they reminded me a lot of your game; you might