W. B. Geats

Hopefully something of Moon's caliber.

Or you could just Google the end of Jurassic Bark, sob on your cold hardwood floor and get on with your life, Internet!

"This is the fourth time he's started Ridiculous Six in 3 hours."

I love that movie. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

"a young college student who has to confront a popular and charming atheist professor in three debates"

What if the "one fuck" rule for PG-13 extended to other shit too? You get one on-screen dick. Make it count.

Except a plurality of Ds consider themselves to be liberals, and a majority of the public had positive estimations of Clinton's tenure at State (to the tune of 69% on exit, with over 90% support among Ds). It wouldn't be possible for her to have attained a majority without a substantial amount of self-identified

"I think that the bikers did the right thing by keeping him there in case he was attempting rape, but that after the investigation, he should have been found innocent."

No kidding. Think about the poor bastard who would have to handle press on this shit.

"…rape on campuses isn’t always because people are rapists."

Whatever you call them, Descendents are fucking tight.

Too bad. He was gonna bring a Six Pack but now they'll be Thirsty and Miserable.

"Good luck selling a place next to Johnny Nutjob McCrazy!"

Christopher Meloni.

It's pretty easy to forget how enormously popular HRC was as Secretary of State among Ds. The primary narrative that HRC has always been unlikable among liberals is a giant mountain of bullshit.

They didn't tell you who to vote for, they just called Trump a "sentient trash fire," which is only debatable inasmuch as it's prefaced by "sentient."

Isn't this more of a Good Job, Dan Harmon and Justin Roiland?

House Un-American Activities Thread

"And as you know, there is a wall between our business and editorial operations."

Careful or Toby Keith will write a strongly worded song about what a tough guy he is.