W. B. Geats

*Jay Leno quickly takes notes*

If you really wanted to duplicate the game you would need to take that sword out into the hallway and farm movie-goers for hours on end, before getting to a level where you can join a raid on the concession stand.

*ashes in Drinking_with_Skeletons drink*

Savage, for his part, isn’t satisfied with the apology, telling Spin it’s “too little too late” and “they should have done this in the beginning instead of disrespecting me and the Daily News.”


A merkin was a strange choice, but I'll allow it.

"playing 'a street lamplighter named Jack.'"

Honestly, this might be the kick in the ass I needed.

The only amazing part about this story is that it isn't a TLC show.

It absolutely happens. At a private range a guy accidentally bump-fired an SKS about 3 feet from my head. Massive, blinding muzzle flash. Booming report. Fortunately the muzzle was downrange. It was the scariest moment of my life by a very wide margin.

I thought we got a first look at adult Harry in Equus?

Fekete's rhythm guitar work on Astro Coast was so dope. "Anchorage" in particular was my jam. RIP.

So you're saying you *didn't* get a Community notification for this?

I ate BBQ with friends, then watched Stop Making Sense yesterday, before disappearing down a Talking Heads rabbit hole on Spotify. That movie lifts me up.

The real story here is that UK Chris Evans has so little self-confidence that his twitter handle is @achrisevans, like he's the generic OTC version of his own name.

"regaling a half-filled room with tales of his second attempt at sobriety. This being a Marc Maron joint, it doesn’t go very well at all."

Steven Wright's kind of got a comedy drone.

It was also a pretty good indication that we wouldn't get an update on that dude's genital warts.

I like how Sam's dad has Heartsbane up on his wall like a '65 Strat.

Ronald McDonald Trump: Mac America Great Again