W. B. Geats

It's not just the South Side, the West Side has problems too. Especially West Humboldt, which is more or less an open-air drug market. Still, amazingly, Chicago isn't even close to being the city with the worst homicide per capita rate in the country.

"They are getting in people's gardens and one even entered a bungalow and left a mess in the bedroom."

"When it comes to another BLADE, there's always a possibility."

I read the one for Illinois then went ahead and Googled it because I in fact do not know what O.P.P. is.

Eagles of Death Metal?

10-1 Daario Naharis

I can differentiate between Dylan McDermott and Dermot Mulroney.

It's going to be a long time before the MPAA will accept Dikachu.

Sport jackets buttoned at the bottom button.

The remaining 32% are due to footballs.

He never recovered from Walton Goggins playing Venus Van Damme.

From the interview about his new movie: "And I liked the character. A man with many transgressions, but willing to redeem himself."

"That’s Uncle Chuck eating a turkey with his hands."

*crouches with prayer hands by AVC's exposed butt crack*

I can see at least 7 things wrong with this.

I ferreted Ted.

'Bees are good,' Obama says as children scream

Self-funding and/or rich candidates often talk about how they "can't be bought" because they're loaded, which is natural because they've been doing the buying.

From your lips to God's ears.

I though he said she was 39, but I googled and you're right. The equation Stands True.