W. B. Geats

Tom just got a Google alert because of this comment.

*divides by two, adds seven*

"Johnny Depp and Amber Heard are consciously decoupling from each other"

I spent some time doing work for a state legislative office, and my biggest takeaway was that anytime someone uses the phrase "common sense" with regard to policy, you can safely assume they have no idea what they're talking about.

Lady Gaga compared Dr. Luke to Ursula, and it kind of works.

Or a GG Allin coloring book that only requires red and brown crayons.

Weirdly, one of those people is the person who wrote this article.

Wait, didn't you and Teti do a final piece saying you liked S2 at the end of the season? I'm confused by the change in tone from that last video and the above Newswire.

Go West, young fan.

First it was The Farm That Time Forgot and now this. Why don't I ever fall in with people who own condos?

That first movie was my fucking jam as a kid. Shredder's right hand man's two word quotes were frequently heard around my parents' house in the 90s:

That's right. I Googled the deposition because I couldn't remember the year, took a quick look at it again and noped right out of there.

He was pretty coherent in his 05/06 deposition, and if he wasn't self-aware as a predator by then, he never will be. The whole document is fucked.

The Incredible Hulk: Leg Day

Psshh Keith Richards has been in virtual reality for over half a century.

I will give up every single character in Bran's storyline to see Tower of Joy part deux.

Good luck, North Carolina.

I can think of one other user ID…

I wonder what Pho News has to say about it.

There is definitely a red carpet photo of Canavale riding on Dinklage's back that I look at on occasion just to remind myself that it exists.