W. B. Geats

Couldn't agree more. "Marcia Marcia Marcia" was devastating, and I'd probably include it in my top 5-10 TV episodes of all time.

Yeah, I think the campiness of this first season (coupled with some of the show's more serious objectives) elevates it. Harder to do with something like Katrina/Rita.

*insert Travolta/Shapiro thumbs up GIF here*

Headcanon: this is exactly what happened to Jefferson Davis.

The small talk council.

Working title, SicaTrio

"He’s got that kind of modern Western voice which is in vogue so hot right now."

It helps when you take the meth out of the tub first.

Should've closed with "tank you veddy much!"

Jared Leto’s aggressively method version of the Joker.

In TLC's case, I'm sure law enforcement officials have that covered.

*gently removes ball gag*

Attila the Hun was quite good at hording.

Sean Bean cast as Aeris.

The 90s were laaaame.

Combine with raw clay and WhoopiTM brand Mescaline for your own authentic Ghost pottery experience.

*10 year old shows up and lifts double your bench weight*

Holly came from… Oh.

"fellow Heartbreaker Benmont Tench"