W. B. Geats

We don't let him bring the pigs anymore, mate.

"The Hollywood Reporter says that the SNL crew is on 'heckling high alert'"

"These tracks are going to slay on Iowa's Ag radio network."

We're gonna need Rupert Murdoch's take on how trill Carson's mixtape is.

“No, no, no, no, no…There’s not really boys in it."

Don't sweat it. All these moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.

Aaron Sorkin: “I don’t think I’m able to make an inanimate object talk.”
Steve Jobs: “Once you make it talk, it’s no longer inanimate.”

Female staplers are so clumsy.

"It still demonstrates great dedication to the job, though, especially if Noah does the show clutching his side like a hero in an action movie."

The joke? Yes. The source material? Not exactly.

What did you think they were doing for $6k an hour?

There's more dick in the profile pics of disqus spam bots than in HBO's entire fucking fall line-up.

fuckin savage

*cue muzak version of the Imperial March*

The AV Club
I am too depressed always for this.

I think we all learned a valuable lesson today.

Obey the Kiss Cam.

If you want a vision of the future, imagine a tasseled cowboy boot stamping on a human face forever.

"Medium talent." - Deadpool Murray to kid in Deadpool costume

Shhh, let's just see where this goes.