W. B. Geats

Westerberg can't hardly wait for that mustache to grow in.

"Why do people run from me?"

We're definitely looking at some good opportunities to use impact as a verb.

"Have John Goodman killed." - David Miscavige

Given that they had to neuter the first volume, I'm glad that they didn't get to the next two.

And hopefully they'll finally replace Daniel Craig's Lord Asriel with Idris Elba's Lord Asriel.

If it's a Jason Segel helmed Lady Van Helsing rock-opera, I am so fucking in. If not, hard pass.

17% sounds high to me as well. I'm always shocked at how consistently high traditional radio reach is per Arbitron (even across age demographics). But traditional radio is also a medium of habit/convenience whereas listening to a podcast means actively seeking out programs and fiddling with apps. You'd think that'd be

Sorry to hear about your cat, dude. Sucks even when you see it coming.

For Halloween, I watched M. Night Shyamalan's "The Visit" (aka "I See Old People") and it was… not terrible?

A calligraphic "BRO" forehead tattoo would confirm it.

I mean, it's that or work.

Assad to say they are.

He can be my wingman anytime. I hope he has a good day, too.

The most recent comment from a scorned biker on the Variety article is great:


The chicken is the only part of the scene that's disturbing to me and they didn't mention it so whatever.

One X-mas I ran into my uncle in the second floor hallway, he leaned in and said "I've had 9 drinks." Not 4 minutes later I saw him asleep on the floor of the living room clutching a Christmas ornament to his chest.

"Two young Yankee Doodles have turned this match into a dandy!"
"Both our viewers must be thrilled."

Kubrik's movies feel like semi-human moonscapes sometimes and that's a huge part of why they're so compelling.