W. B. Geats

"Sir, we're going to need you to leave the park."

Is this the breast we can do?

You really missed out on Kate Upton's take on the Trans Pacific Partnership.

I'm assuming a "hipster horse" is a fixed gear bike.

Abradolf "“prepare to be emancipated from your inferior genes!” Lincler

I wouldn't take her to a dog fight, not even if she had a chance to win

Country as fuck.

He's like the Carl Sagan of killing people in this.

- his mom

Oh, it has been.

Now with the magic of obsolescence presence!

He makes a physical appearance in most (if not all) of the pilgrims' individual tales, but I can't remember if he shows up in the "present" timeline/pilgrimage.

I'll get one of my boys up here with a can of WD-40.

Mmmmmm old forgotten lemoncake…

*Dewback walks across the screen mid money shot*

Stop trying to make the prequels happen.

I think if you enjoyed Endymion you will likely enjoy Rise. A lot of readers who loved Hyperion/Fall weren't crazy about Endymion/Rise, so if you had disliked Endymion then I'd recommend you stop now.

No doubt. And to that end the less we see of him the better. So assuming (and it's a big assumption) that they properly fund the series, they can do him some justice when he does appear.

I considered that, but hopefully Cooper's name will come with a serious investment from the network.

This will live and die on how well they bring the Shrike to screen. So fucking excited.