
I see a lot of people in this thread who don’t know the first fucking thing about the reality on the ground in the West Bank and have clearly never talked to a Palestinian about it. This thread is full of disgusting comments, racist trolls, and I’m sad to see it here.

Palestinians don’t get the luxury to “stop being political” because their identity is treated as fundamentally political and repressed. 

You want to know the funny part? My brain misread it to make it make more sense. I read it as “most successful story in the history of your state”. It wasn’t till your comment I read it correctly. My brain went “no, that’s stupid, put a correct word there”.

“Let’s vote for “The most successful tate in the history of your state, and in the history of the country, then you are going to vote for somebody else?” Trump asked the crowd, probably sarcastically. “Let’s vote for Elizabeth ‘Pocahontas’ Warren.”

I’m not a centrist. I dismissed it because it was stupid and trollish. I support other outlets. I don’t pay the NYT. That doesn’t mean I’m going to throw some of their good writers and foreign journalists under the bus.

He’s an idiot, but his advisers would correct that. Since he has apparently had this interest for awhile, I find the “oil and mineral wealth” angle a lot more likely. 

There’s a few, not in their major marketed stable of op-ed writers, who merit their spots. Jamelle Bouie and Wajahat Ali come to mind immediately, and I’m sure there’s others I’ve read but I’m not remembering.

I saw Obama speak in Baltimore in late ‘07 (I think). The company my dad worked for happened to be their production staff on that local gig and so I took a friend who’d done a program called Youth in Government with me and we walked in the staff entrance and avoided the three block long line in the dead of winter (Feb

There’s a lot of really good journalists there who deserve support. I’ve been very critical of the NYT lately, and that’ll likely continue as long as their executives and op-ed page are so awful, but it’s worth remembering that. A lot of people getting paid a lot less than the assholes like Bari Weiss are doing their

It’s a semi-country with roughly 56,000 people. Gossip is gossip. Ever lived in a small town? It doesn’t matter if it’s 99% impossible. It’s something to talk about. 

Greenland is not “full of white people”. The vast majority, a bit below 90% last time I checked, are Inuit or mixed. The Norse settlements in Greenland died out in the 1400s. 

That’s likely, though that’s just evidence of his ignorance. If you could buy Greenland now, what you really want it for is probably fresh water reserves and potential for food exports in the future, 50 years down the line or more.

There’s an argument to make in a future competitive (and melting) Arctic that this could benefit US national security. I don’t buy that for a second as his motivation, but you could make the argument without sounding like an idiot.

I’m not a lady, and I have the relevant background in IHL and IR to know a liar when I see one. No state has a right to exist. It’s not a right enumerated anywhere. Your weak appeals to “sovereignty” arguments are basically what dictatorships rely on to stress non-interference in their internal affairs, but that

That letter was bit too nakedly authoritarian for a lot of people. It’s probably not going to move the needle with the people he actually represents, as the people who agree never voted for him in the first place and were already hostile. But this response lets him claim the civility high ground, which people do care

Yeah I could’ve worded that better. Maybe “something superficially similar to empathy without much scrutiny”. That’s pretty wordy though. 

Don’t diagnose from a distance and all that, but if you told me he was incapable of real empathy I’d believe you. He displays something like empathy for people who are loyal or close to him, but I don’t think it’s real empathy as much as transactional. 

Far-right cliches won’t fool anyone here. Congratulations on successfully running away from your false claims about Iran and hoping that would distract people. Enjoy staying in the greys, and enjoy the fate your dishonor condemns you too. 

Palestinians, Arabs in general, Muslims, Blacks, Hispanics. You probably think you aren’t racist against Asians based on the usual far-right “model minority” drivel, but that’s racist against Asians. I see your usual filth in the greys all the time and just flag and ignore it. You can’t play dumb. We all know what a

You’re a racist shitstain who had multiple abusive burners before this. We know what you are. You merit the banhammer.