
Do you think them holding back is any gentler to the egos of the Thai players, who it’s worth noting, didn’t ever fully give up and played a pretty clean game despite all of stress and emotion?

She did. A couple of them were even decent saves. She could’ve done better, but she got her hands on a couple of shots that were just too strong to stop and her defense failed her other times. Only so much even a great keeper can do with a ton of traffic or hard shots from a good angle. 

This is why Republicans are packing the courts with loyal ideologues and assorted far-right bloggers. This is a reprieve but I expect the state can invent some facially-neutral way to try and strip abortion rights. With the Trump administration so enamored of “facially-neutral but actually incredibly discriminatory

I swear I’ve noticed an uptick lately to be honest. Either they’ve got a lot more sock-burners to help themselves out or a couple of them have fooled someone with the power to ungrey. Or both. 

Oh yeah, I didn’t mean it in an accusatory way, just in an “FYI”. Trolls out are fair game. 

Personally, I don’t really care what you label yourself, it’s the bigotry and the “just asking questions” bullshit I find objectionable.

I don’t think there’s any way to make that assessment. Trans people have a lot of good reasons not to respond to surveys, and as a marginalized group are difficult to survey even under the best conditions.

You realize the initial comment everyone is responding to was an obvious set-up that anyone can see? I’ve also dismissed quite a bit of stuff from you in the past. Your username pops to mind and not for good reasons.

Not everyone gets that surgery. For many different reasons. That’s become kind of a popular fallacy, that everyone undergoes reassignment surgery.

Sorry, you can’t stop me from correctly warning others that you are a conservative troll who pretty regularly engages in bigotry on this website.

It’s a troll, it was fishing for a response. I’ve dismissed that one a thousand times. 

Has he butchered trying to say Taoiseach yet? I really only care about Trump in Ireland for the chance to hear him butcher some Irish his staffers spelled phonetically in very large letters in the papers he pretends to read to seem smart. 

I really don’t want to be that guy, cause I really enjoy this site including a lot of posts like this, but there’s some pretty serious stuff going on in Sudan right now, we’re talking pro-regime militia (the RSF, the rebranded name of the Janjaweed infamous for their crimes in Darfur) killing and raping people

Another fun tactic we’ve picked up from the Israelis I guess, as cutting these sorts of services as punishment is a tactic far-right politicians there use to show they’re “tough on Arabs and terrorism”. That largely Hispanic migrants serve roughly the same racist niche in the US is probably relevant. This is about

Pretty much the entire US economy needs to be restructured, and that’s without counting any foreign aid (which will be necessary to mitigate issues globally). Seems like a good point.

Could you be any more of a disingenuous prick? This is almost as bad as your fetish for authoritarian leaders who oppose “American imperialism”.

Agents in New York were motivated by naked anti-Clinton bias, leaked regularly to the media, and to Guiliani.

I see a dozen comments like that a day on Twitter. There are entire large networks of open neo-Nazis, I’m talking “Jews are replacing white people with the violent dirty Muslims” types. Nothing happens to them. Some of them have tens of thousands of followers and verified accounts.

Biden is a lot more awful than I would have thought, honestly. I mean this is bad, set aside is “superior centrist” shtick, this is just a lack of integrity issue. Hard to wave away. 

The people who think this is “political violence” have been incredibly willing to overlook actual political violence. Those same people believe in far-right conspiracies like “hate hoaxes” and promote the “Great Replacement” theory with it’s roots in neo-Nazi ideology.