
It’s not unreasonable to politicize the military, says stooge of would-be authoritarian who has a long history of illiberal actions and politicizing non-political institutions.

Pretty predictable. Twitter should, under their own rules, take down that tweet. But given they refuse to ban outright neo-Nazis with Hitler imagery all over their profiles I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised it’s still up.

You know he just had to have some pseudo-medieval backdrop for his little crusade for the nonexistent “Judeo-Christian” culture he’s so enamored of. It’s not enough to just buy some office space. It’s all empty symbolism and bluff so the optics are very important.

Man that’s awful. I spent a lot of time at Bays Mountain as a kid. It’s a great place. The staff there really care about their animals, I did some summer camps where I worked with them a bit. It’s gotta be devastating. 

I don’t see how this passes muster under US and international law. If someone claims asylum but is in a “safe third country” their claim will be adjudicated and rejected. But this looks like trying to shut the door on asylum claims based on a pretense. I don’t think it’ll pass legal muster and if tried will get tied

The Puritans were able to write their own sins out of the record pretty effectively. It shocks people when I bring up Native American slavery in New England. People expect it from the southern colonies it seems, but the whitewashed myths of New England wiped away their brutality to Native Americans. 

As his many many neo-Nazi buddies will no doubt tell him “culture is downstream from race” (that’s a literal quote I’ve seen a dozen times from neo-Nazis and white supremacists).

It’s amazing what happens when qualified political scientists are given space to make a coherent argument. Unfortunately instead I’m usually seeing someone like Yascha Mounk insult the entire field of history based on a strawman and being given a lot of prime editorial space to try and defend his ignorance.

He’s just gone into trolling now. No more reason to humor him or his dishonesty. Why that bigoted and arrogant charlatan is out of the greys on this website is beyond me. 

I am truly stunned by how perfectly you fit the idea of a pseudo-intellectual.

I think this is a deeper issue than establishment vs. progressives (though that plays a role). There’s definitely a segment of left-populists who focus too much on the largely mythic white working class vote too. Sanders has been doing it. In a broader sense there’s a “left-populist” stream just as obsessed with that

I’m terrified that Biden will somehow get the nomination despite all his flaws because the small but influential neoliberal-corporatist class will convince themselves that appealing to the “white working class” is the way to beat Trump and Biden is their option. All the idiotic groundwork has been laid, including a

1. You made a categorical statement that is indefensible.

A convenient and self-serving thesis from one of this site’s conservative trolls. 

In the Late Bronze Age tin from as far away as southern Spain, Britain, and Afghanistan were regularly used by the major powers in their copper.

Good Gods. Even hardcore 50 year old smokers who will never quit and smoke constantly in their homes don’t leave all that on their floor. I’m talking people who smoke so much even other people who smoke go out for fresh air.

This stupid racist is so ignorant rather than reference an actual ethnic group, country, or any sort of defensible social grouping, he referenced a militant group. Wonder how long he’ll (it’s always a he online) need to Google to find out what ethnic group predominantly makes up the Taliban and how that affects their

This is privilege run amok. I wish McCain and her husband would disappear into the depths of the sickening right-wing ecosystem they both fuel. 

Go choke on your bigotry you worthless stain on humanity. That’s not a fact. “Western Civilization” doesn’t exist. It’s just a concept used by racists to justify their prejudices. As a historical concept, it’s flimsy and abusive. 

I glossed over his extremely racist and anti-historical “assessment” because it’s worthless. It was widely derided and mocked. Shapiro knows nothing about history. He’s an ideologue, and not a very intelligent one. In the video I’m referencing he tries to claim “the West” had superior higher level thinking and