
You wouldn’t last 5 minutes in any decently tough political science department. 

That was one of her strongest points. Giving them chances to claim they’re “bipartisan”, no matter how bad faith the claim, is a mistake. Advertisers aren’t moral actors. If you give them an excuse to maintain a relationship with Fox they will.

1. There is absolutely no evidence he “reached voters” on Fox, or that it changed the voting behavior of any statistically significant number of people.

Presumably you’re literate. Go ahead and Google her statement. 

She didn’t “chicken out” you bad faith troll. She made a rational decision based in sound logic. I know both of those things are utterly foreign to you.

I just don’t see the utility to agreeing to these kangaroo court “debates”. Your chance of persuading a Fox viewer is minimal, whereas your value as a strawman for their far-right stable of charlatans and bigots to scream at is significant. The charlatans benefit from the faux-debate. Chances are your

CIS has ties to white supremacists, fundamental ties, and is far-right rather than just “conservative”. I see a lot of outlets fail to clarify those ties but I’m surprised to see it here. CIS, FAIR, and NumbersUSA were all created by a white supremacist. See here.

One of the usual conservative trolls just tried to leave a comment playing revisionist history about the Puritans. It got dismissed. Don’t try that garbage with me. I’ve taken the courses and read the literature. They were just as brutal to Native Americans as anyone else, and I loathe how they’re lionized. The

Code Pink went into “apologist for violent dictators” brand of “anti-war” and that drives a lot of people away. 

The problem is it doesn’t really matter what Trump thinks, or what his inconsistent ideological preferences are, if Bolton can gin up an incident. Once the incident happens, Trump is in “look tough” mode, surrounded by hawks who desperately want to harm Iran, being fed misinformation that will lead him to think such a

I was thinking of that tweet when I wrote it. Historian twitter has been ripping it to shreds. It’s truly awful from every excerpt and review I’ve read. Probably the best example of why “pop-histories” can be so dangerous. Add Tom Holland into that and you’ve misinformed so many people. It’s stuff that would be

I suspect the minute Breitbart or the Daily Caller hears about this it will start a huge bad faith “don’t erase history” screech from the usual subjects. Academia is still grappling with problems around how Native Americans are portrayed and studied, and popular culture is light-years behind academia on that front.

You’re not aware of a damn thing you worthless stain. Go back to your hate forums.

Please flag this rabidly racist sack of shit. Thank you. 

This shitheel is just copy-pasting this from some random “pro-Israel” website that no doubt contains mountains of anti-Palestinian racism. This is a context-free and heavily distorted narrative that paints the Israelis as far more interested in peace than they ever were.

The cost-benefit analysis of going on Fox leans pretty heavily in Fox’s favor. For the Democrats, you might, maybe, possibly, reach a few voters you might not otherwise. But for the most part you’re largely preaching to a hostile audience that’s watching hoping to see some “own the libs” content.

This is a pretty naked lie from a very unsubtle far-right troll likely on his 40th burner. 

I just dismissed five. They were all boringly predictable too. 

The reason it was denied is that it’ll play incredibly well in conservative circles, where incitement and racism against Palestinians is the norm. Ashrawi has been on the end of quite a bit of incitement form the usual militant “pro-Israel” groups and individuals. Those people have the ear of Trump and his cronies.

They aren’t playing for the (small in percentage terms) hard-right Jewish circles, this is about evangelical Christians and a lot of right-wing people. Performative concern about Jews and Israel is a lot more potent among mostly Christian right-wing partisans than most American Jews.