Not a defense of leaving it up, but it does very well encapsulate the sort of dishonest pseudo-centrist position I’ve seen some supposedly liberal people take.
Not a defense of leaving it up, but it does very well encapsulate the sort of dishonest pseudo-centrist position I’ve seen some supposedly liberal people take.
That’s another good point. The intra-Jewish feuds and rivalries get written over a lot too, but the large ideological gaps between Labor Zionists and say Jabotinksy’s fascism-idolizing Revisionists were hardly minor. The roots of much of Israel’s current political parties go back to the era, and the basics of their…
FYI, because racists in the greys will bring it up, when they start screaming about the Mufti al-Husseini, when he was a Nazi puppet he’d been exiled from Palestine and had little real influence in the region. He’s a very useful strawman but vastly over-stated. People act like he was some sort of king of Palestinians…
They should! I see countless people screeching that she’s “revising history”. The reality is more complicated. The most common narrative of the Yishuv era, pre-state Israel, is hopelessly distorted by decades of nationalism in Israel. It’s been revised into a foundation myth that focuses exclusively on Jewish…
I’m not sure I’d describe the BBC like that any longer. Maybe the print version, yes, I rarely see too much obvious bias in print, but the television and radio is a hot Brexit-loving disaster. I pretty constantly see problems arising from the support for a class of far-right charlatans that seem to have executive…
Bolton is a very big winner from all these weak “acting” officials and unqualified apparatchiks. He’s pure evil and he knows how to navigate and abuse the bureaucracy. His history of lying about intelligence and retaliating against the officials who contradict him is relevant here. Someone like Shanahan will fail if…
Shanahan is not well-qualified and has shown in his tenure so far a remarkable cowardice. When the DoD wants to disagree with Trump he lets people under him, or uniformed military, take the risk. He didn’t want to jeopardize his position, apparently. What that means is he’s unwilling to fight for the DoD’s…
He also likes to promote fringe “anti-imperialist” lefties of the sort who go on RT, ally with extreme right ideologues, and defend Maduro because Trump dislikes him.
The “mobilization to violence” part is very important. What that means, essentially, is there’s less time between contact with extremist material and activation to violent action. That’s a serious problem, and there’s no chance in hell the current US legal and law enforcement system is ready to cope with it. Even…
Because I’m not ungreyed on Splinter. I lost my old burner and my magical ungrey status.
Because the Israeli military never drops large bombs on civilian buildings in Gaza, or anything like that.
I’ve flagged a dozen similar comments on Twitter recently. Racism against Palestinians is incredibly poorly enforced even by Twitter’s notoriously incompetent moderation process. No doubt in part because so many prominent and verified conservative accounts engage in it regularly.
This surprises me not one iota, given Weiss ran a racist harassment campaign against Palestinian academics. That’s really the only thing she’s ever done, it’s what made her a popular right-wing media charlatan. She got her gig at the NY Times based on her years of racist conservative activism.
This is, in the context it occurred, a war crime, a clear extra-judicial killing of a suspect who had been released for a lack of evidence. The soldiers defense, such as it is, is to claim self-defense, claiming the suspect, who was unarmed and surrounded by hostile troops, “lunged” at him.
I see stuff like this a couple of times a week on Twitter, a lot of it from rabidly pro-Trump accounts that aren’t obvious neo-Nazis. Prepare to see it a lot more commonly.
I’m no longer playing with the bad faith conservative troll. If anyone honest has questions, feel free to ask.
Yeah, it’s a bad faith pro-Trump troll. Not the smartest one of that lot by a long shot either.
Well, it seems I was right to suspect bad faith from you from the beginning. You’ve proven it pretty clearly now. You’re far far above your level of competence here trying to spin things to suit your partisan desires, while ironically accusing me of the same. You’re just parroting weak arguments you read somewhere…
Damaging the Iranian economy while retrenching the regime is not a result. It changes nothing, it suits no US interest.
I tried to think of a polite way to respond to this, but I can’t. This is the sort of irrational fantasy being peddled by unethical right-wing think tanks and Trump apparatchiks. This comment has no real relationship with actual events or facts. It’s the same sort of garbage anti-Iran hawks have been telling…