
Many countries, including in Latin America, have recognized Guaido because Maduro’s lack of legitimacy and credible concerns about election fraud. When charlatans like you reduce everything to the United States it’s illustrative of your ideological blinders. Other countries have agency, and many agreed on that

Using the word “coup” there illustrates either bad faith or ignorance. I’m not interested in playing that game. This weird fetish for siding with Maduro out of incoherent “anti-interventionist” tankie politics is not one I share.

Leopoldo Lopez (a major opposition figure) and his family are currently in a Chilean diplomatic building in Caracas. It’s confirmed, but I haven’t seen if he’s actually claimed asylum. The obvious reason for such a move is to avoid action by the regime, but doing so also illustrates a lack of confidence vis-a-vis the

Maduro was reportedly about to arrest Guaido, which forced him to push up the protests and apparently spooked a lot of military support that he was believed to have had. Guaido is essentially taking his shot before he’s likely to be taken into custody and the momentum fizzles out. The lack of military support is

I’m pretty dubious this will stand. US law and international law are actually decently close when it comes to asylum issues, unlike so many others, and asylum protections are built into the statue not something Trump can overturn on a whim with an EO.

Why isn’t he in jail? Even rich white idiots eventually face some consequences. Are we finally at that stage for this far-right worm?

Some people are simply irredeemable scum. Much of the far-right, whether the pseudo-intellectuals that enable them or the violent bigots that are the foot-soldiers, keep making the case they fit in the category. Some of those filth have verified Twitter accounts and will never be punished for constant abusive

Trump driving, Netanyahu as a GPS saying “turn right at violating international law” or some such thing. Yeah, there’s a lot of ways to go with that.

He’s pretty explicit about copying the NZ shooter, so I’m not sure that’s an 8chan thing or a willful imitation. That part at least I see little reason to doubt. He’s also a suspect in arson at a mosque, but it seems he didn’t get the attention he wanted from that attack so he planned another. 

That’s definitely part of it, but there were deeper issues as well. Much of US law enforcement is friendly to far-right politics, from police to federal agencies, and so white nationalism, which has much more political power than say Islamist extremists, was consistently treated as a low threat. There were people in

There’s a lot of chatter online about it, from some good sources. It’s not yet confirmed as far as I know, but something is making the rounds. I’ve also heard the shooter tried a live-stream but the stream didn’t work. That’s also unconfirmed but making the rounds. 

As a reminder to everyone; I’ve seen the chatter about a manifesto, but remember that far-right types love their shitposting and that significant portions of it may be trolling or references designed to be mocked when “the libs” fall for it. If you see sections it’s worth being very skeptical about the content. 

Trump is trash, Netanyahu is trash, and that cartoon is trash. I can bash and curse both all day without using imagery like that. 

Those programs had a hopelessly incompetent record of failing to take seriously and/or whitewashing far-right violence, and we’d still be better off if they were active. It’s that bad.

I’m not going to speculate until more information is available, but this is just awful. It used to be places got vandalized quite a bit. I remember local unitarian churches and other pagan-friendly venues being targeted pretty regularly, and I’m sure it was similar for synagogues and mosques. But it was so small scale

Normally I wouldn’t respond to racist filth like this, but your incredible incompetence has shocked me. You think the coastal plain has “very little food”? You know literally nothing about settlement patterns in the Americas. Native American villages tended to be built in areas with diverse food sources, generally

Dear atrocious human beings trying to whitewash and support far-right filth; you’re getting dismissed. I’m not playing this game where you try and quibble over what is “alt-right” while supporting disgusting bigotry. You’re stains on the rest of humanity if you carry water for such people. 

Well it doesn’t matter anyway since the person that asked is sitting here trying to support rabidly far-right charlatans like Sam Harris. I had a feeling it was a bad faith question from the start.

Rogan is a direct far-right enabler, and Sam Harris is an incredibly rabid bigot. I have no idea why, while admitting he’s been on two far-right podcasts, you’d be “skeptical”. That’s damning evidence alone. 

There’s no tool as useful as Twitter when it comes to getting activists and academics from around the world onto one useful feed. If you’re a casual social media user I think “don’t use Twitter” works fine, but if you’re someone who relies on that information stream for professional or academic reasons, it’s