
I honestly can’t remember which one, it was one of the numerous far-right personalities that uses Youtube to promote their conspiracy mongering. The guy has a history of anti-Muslim stuff and ties to the racists at Infowars. 

Imagine the arrogance to call Omar, the victim of harassment his platform refuses to punish from many verified far-right personalities, and lecture her how, in fact, it was right not to punish violations of his own stated ToS for reasons that presumably only “I like to go on alt-right podcasts” Jack Dorsey

Well, there’s a lot of ways, but the one specifically I was referencing was it was mostly the Iroquois who the British were trying to mollify with the Proclamation of 1763. The Iroquois had made a habit of claiming land well south of what they actually controlled (particularly along the “Great Indian Warpath” where

“Revisionist history” has become one of those mindless conservative buzzwords that loses any objective meaning, just like “activist judges” and “religious freedom”. These words all originally had a fairly narrow meaning but have become vacuous signals for conservatives.

There’s a weird “pseudo-Southern” that’s become a marker of “rural conservative” to some people. It’s why dumb kids in rural red counties in Maryland call each other rednecks and mimic the worst most stereotypical aspects of “Southern culture” they see on TV. Drives me insane personally. I don’t know how many times

Those reports are coming largely from unreliable media outlets in India. There’s no confirmation from Sri Lanka. Anti-Muslim hate groups and figures have been spreading that garbage widely, but there’s a reason no mainstream sources are moving yet. 

I’ve seen one mentioned, though not named, in multiple reports. Reuters and other news wires, not outlets likely to be engaging in nationalist messaging. The signs pointing to outside influence probably suggest Islamists simply because there are transnational groups who have the expertise for something like this. But

There was the recent genocide against the Rohingya you seem ignorant of. Combined with thinking Pakistan is Shi’ite, I think perhaps you’d do best to leave this to better informed people to discuss. 

Pakistan is not Shi’ite. Don’t spread misinformation. 

The complexity of this attack is concerning. I’ve seen a few stories mentioning a minor Islamist group is suspected, but for a minor group to carry out a multi-pronged attack like this either means their capacity is significantly beyond expectations or that they’ve had effective contact with foreign groups with more

This is good, but I worry about a legal system where we pick up these guys on unrelated charges but let their violent far-right militias continue. Getting the ones who are felons on weapons charges doesn’t really address the fundamental problem, but skirts around it.

This may just be short term variation in the polls. Trump’s approval has remained remarkably consistent despite swings up or down by 3-4 points. So I wouldn’t read too much into this. The problem with all the horse race style reporting about polls is people make assumptions based on the most recent headline they saw

MLS already does that, formerly with agreements between MLS and USL teams to allow a number of loans and now with MLS II teams that sit in the third division USL league. That system has definitely helped some academy kids get playing time and move to first team minutes more than in the past. 

“The biggest thing the MLS fucks up is continuing to perpetuate a pay to play youth model.”

Literally only two teams have “pay to play” at their academies. D.C. United is one, and I believe the other is Minnesota. The league itself has been pressuring them to go to a fully funded system, and it’s likely to happen now that both have their new stadiums. 

It holds a lot of water if you’ve actually watched any USL rather than just posturing. USL play is not close enough to MLS level. Either are USL budgets, or stadiums, or marketing, or anything else. Most USL teams have small and currently weak academies, which is pushing them further behind MLS teams, and there’s no

If you knew a single thing about American soccer you’d know how unready the USL is for pro/rel. This is just eurosnob puffery. 

If you “leave it alone” you cede the rhetorical ground to them, well documented bad faith actors. That would be an incredibly bad move. Democrats are already weaker in messaging because they lie less.

There are a lot of legitimate criticisms of MLS, it’s structure, the expansion drive, and the corporate culture. This ain’t it. MLS fans make a lot of those criticisms. Me being a D.C. United fan doesn’t mean I’m in love with corporate MLS. It does mean I’m actually informed about issues like the supporters groups and

Shorter version; Haisley really hates MLS.