
Oh yeah, I doubt this derails the entire thing. But they’re losing some of their control of the situation and that’s important. A number of Republicans have supported the hearing, which is tacitly against their interests, because the discontent is just too high.

Given I’ve gotten about 30 replies from gray-dwellers, many of which have little to no prior record on this site, it seems like there’s quite a few awful people desperate to keep up the fiction that Shapiro is anything but a tiny immature bigoted troll. 

They’re losing though. Too many people have expressed a desire for delay. These statements aren’t carrying the way they hope. I don’t doubt they’ll keep up the harassment especially through proxies, but the wind is out of their sails. 

Obvious troll is obvious.

Everything he’s ever said on the impact of racism in American society, everything he says about Muslims and Arabs, his entire strange fetish for attacking trans folks. He’s a walking pile of dishonesty. 

His “qualifications” are that he followed the rich boy path and went to Harvard Law. Given the number of terrible and incompetent people who’ve cited their supposed academic credentials just like his, I’m not impressed by that. His own speeches and writing make clear his level of expertise.

Oh yeah, though it goes much deeper than that. Yair Netanyahu is just an idiot and a troll. He did it for attention. There are people who are very serious in their ties to the extreme right in Europe. People who see formerly neo-Nazi parties who’ve quieted down on the anti-Semitism over the past few years as useful

Doesn’t take much to be smarter than sewer-dwelling trolls like you. 

You know, Shapiro is a racist moron, but I’m pretty sure he’s heard of Jabotinksy given his politics, which makes the “Jews can’t be fascist you bigoted libs” thing even funnier. One of the most prominent strands of political ideology in Israel and the global Jewish community, Revisionist Zionism and its descendants,

Yeah, but someone is pulling them all out of the greys, and it wasn’t just the responses. They were all out before any that I saw. 

All the men playing “it’s so unfair to let an old allegation harm his life I mean that’s just partisan and ghastly” are making very clear they don’t care about rape or sexual assault and are afraid of their own pasts.

Since we’ve got half a dozen Shapiro fans here to troll and reach new heights in intellectual dishonesty, why don’t all you ethically-challenged trolls explain exactly what is so smart and good about his vapid opinions and bigoted output? Go ahead, stop whining about how we don’t “know his work” and put up or shut up.

How many of you shitstains are there infesting this site? Or is it one guy using multiple burners, because you all use the same stupid troll arguments. 

Yeah, I’ve listened to your charlatan. I’ve seen more than I’d ever want to of his “thought”. He’s a fraud, and a freshman Poli Sci student could tell you that.

Where did all you smarmy white nationalist cunts come from?

Oh shut the fuck up. Shapiro is a racist misogynistic authoritarian and fits the term “fascist” to the hilt. His political ideology is indistinguishable from the neo-fascist cretins that make up most of his fans. Try harder next time fake professor (FYI, the field you should’ve claimed expertise in was political

Says some nameless troll here to troll, screeching about how some worthless charlatan that has never displayed a single bit if expertise is a genius. I’m smarter than that monumental prick. That’s not bragging, the vast majority of people I know are smarter than him too. Not to mention better people, since they have

Even by Fox standards, Shapiro is completely unqualified. He’s a self-published troll. There is literally no topic I’ve ever seem him pontificate on in which he displayed an above-average level of knowledge. He’s just the alt-right troll’s more formal-language-minded cousin.

Oh fuck off you racist bloody troll. I remember your username. You’re always pulling this shit. Go back to your white nationalist blogs you pathetic lying sack of garbage. 

The scary part is I doubt it was intentional. I mean he’s stupid, no doubt, but I’d guess he’s just so deep in the far-right radicalization process he used shekels without thinking, which is pretty common in the white nationalist/neo-Nazi fever swamps. It’s such normal rhetoric to him he didn’t consider that it’s