
There are some red flags here, but I just don’t think anyone in the public has enough information to make any informed guess to be honest. There are things that make me hesitant about uncritically endorsing the accusations but also well worn truths that make me hesitant to dismiss them as well.

We agree on that. I wrote much the same in my comment that’s no doubt still in the greys since I got kicked back into them. But what you wrote here is a lot more moderate than your first comment (and more in line with the level of thought I respect you for).

Honestly, we should allow town halls to have someone writing down questions and answers, no video to spook people, and in the transcript not write down constituent names or identities UNLESS they consent to it. Reduces the problem, still provides the data for the press.

It’s pretty standard for people not to talk at those events too. It’s not BS. The people who dominate town halls when the media are around are the ones comfortable with that glare, not necessarily the people who need to speak the most. You’re dismissing a very normal and real concern in a way that I think is a bad

The Hill is trash. Far-right editorial staff. Bad and misleading headlines. Anything that’s not news aggregation is Fox/Sinclair level skewed at best. It’s a rag I’d be glad to ignore forever if they weren’t so good at aggregating stories. The minute another site starts doing it well I’ll leave them and their neo-Nazi

If you can’t win on the facts or merits, you drown out the uncomfortable facts with a shit ton of money. Tendentious or outright dishonest ads might fool just enough people to matter, or at a very least will muddy the waters so much it’ll keep their loyal partisans on board as they refuse to trust any actual reporting

Radicalizing their base by promoting conspiracy theories and insecurity keeps their base loyal and rabid. It’s a tactic. It doesn’t matter that he was wrong. It’s not like Fox or far-right media are going to cover him being wrong. In their bubble, they might hear it was false, but they’ll write it off as unimportant

Outside of dungeons I feel decent. I miss some of the artifact traits pretty badly though. I’ve done both Ret and Prot with my pally and felt okay, even my first two dungeon runs before 120 went easy. Since hitting 120 though stuff is hitting me really hard, I’m not getting heals well (and they pushed my self-heal

We didn’t wipe, but mostly because I know all my cds. But it was a near thing. It reminds me of BC when you had to take trash mobs seriously, but during Legion most people wanted “do a huge pull and just manage it” not “think about your pulls and go a little slower”. 

Is dungeon difficulty well up or is it just me? I’m not a world-class tank, but I’m more than good enough for normal dungeons, and I’ve had way more close calls than I expected. Part of that is horrible people using the healer queue and not healing but only part of it. Even the trash hits hard. 

Don’t feed the troll folks. 

What a pathetic, spineless, shriveled coward you must be to violently threaten an 12 year old. Especially since all the kid did was use the bloody restroom! I doubt any of the kids care.

Her son. Which was addressed in my comment. I’d like a non-biased party to have some verification. Please try and read all of my comment next time, rather than jumping to comment. 

I’ve read some of Gorka’s thesis. It wouldn’t pass muster in a strong undergrad course in poli sci. I can honestly say, without bragging, that my undergrad thesis was better. So I’m not surprised even Fox doesn’t want him on their more credible shows. Anyone they asked, even the vast majority of conservative leaning

Aka, you’re completely incapable of any substantive response and are running away after lying.

Given the timing with which she dropped this, I’m inclined to want more evidence to make a determination. I don’t need to see the video. But someone should. Someone other than her, her son, and her lawyer.

Listen, we both know what you are. You’re an utterly worthless troll. You posted this to troll. Everyone knows it. You did not present any thoughts, you’re not “thinking”. You spewed some cliched lies.

Pure and unmitigated horseshit. Neo-Nazis kill people. Antifa makes a mess. There’s no equivalence, and your worthless trolling isn’t fooling anyone. 

Please dismiss the worthless troll “LastCommentOnTheLeft” unless you really feel like we need his shitty Breitbart takes here. 

Oh fuck off. Stop your trolling you mendacious asshat.