The number of often less than competent right wing talking heads who “monetize and politicize” their public service is nearly endless, and filled with far more charlatans than their counterparts in the center and left.
The number of often less than competent right wing talking heads who “monetize and politicize” their public service is nearly endless, and filled with far more charlatans than their counterparts in the center and left.
Then why are you posting their filth here you jackass? That image is being widely shared by neo-Nazi accounts.
Oh yeah, this is a major win for Russia. I don’t think most Americans understand how much they’re punching above their weight lately. They just cancelled the mass production of the SU-57, meaning they’ll have no 5th gen stealth fighter, because it’s too costly for them (it costs way less than an F-35 and probably…
We can’t put a number on that. How much did it shift the vote? That’s impossible to know. We just don’t have the data. There are some educated guesses I’ve seen, but the data just isn’t there to prove it and so they can weaponize that uncertainty. You need a rock solid argument for it to gain any traction in today’s…
Well, the harm would be I can’t possibly respect someone behaving in such a manner. It took all I had to keep my responses here as polite as they were. I’m going to look into it though. This sort of capricious and childish moderation is why I quit Disqus.
Why would he care? His base doesn’t care, and the GOP is too spineless to criticize him openly.
The media likes making itself the story, particularly when it involves TV personalities (and somewhat lesser radio ones). They expect better cause they’re all in the same club, but that fraternity is a social fiction and the centrist press like CNN hasn’t understood that yet. Their entire view of themselves is based…
Hey, how do you usually contact the site. I want to fight this bullshit “auto-ban”.
So this is it huh? You banned me for mild criticism meanwhile the neo-Nazis in the greys never get banned? Nice to see what your priorities are. I’m going to contact the people at the site about this, because your ego isn’t a valid reason to ban people.
Unless they face consequences for their failures, this is just meaningless bureaucratic navel gazing. In some cases there’s nothing someone could reasonably do in the face of outside events, but I’m not convinced the institutional culture at FEMA is strong enough to set those apart from preventable failures and…
I was right from the beginning.
Auto-ban? I post here all the time. Substantively. That’s a severe mistake to make for me posting my opinion. That’s horseshit. Banning me for criticizing you, mildly, is absurd behavior. I’m not a bloody troll, and the number of trolls constantly harassing me proves that.
Another article I’m still grey. I’ll clear my cookies in a bit but I who knows.
Trump saying he felt “unwelcome” was delicious because that is precisely the point, which he didn’t seem to grasp.
I write, myself, and this is less a fluff piece than an angry tweet in article form. People keep making this argument, but there’s no lack of fluff pieces on this site and something like this right after a bunch of people take a buyout...does it really not bother you at all? It’s like circling the gutter.
Well I hope so. Despite my criticism of this article I have nothing against the author and like some of his longer pieces, so I’d be glad to be wrong.
Any reason you can think of? Maybe I’m wrong and it had nothing to do with the comment, but it’s kind of odd I was out to make that comment and then suddenly in the greys after it. It’s hard not to expect there’s a correlation.
I don’t know about “deadly serious”. There’s snark in most articles. That’s fine. But this? This is just giving a bunch of attention to an asshole who likes attention. It feels too childish. Coming so soon after the buyout and a bunch of good writers having to walk it strikes me as fundamentally wrong.
Fuck off troll.
Given that he pushed me back into the greys for my comment, I’m not so sure I “dig it”. It’s one thing to disagree with what I wrote. It’s another to try and force criticism away. I can see your argument, though I’m not sure the news blog is the proper place for that, and Splinter was set up to be more newsy than…