
No, but they do have concern for their self-image. Even the most amoral narcissist has that. 

What Pence said is just a game. We all pretend sovereignty is important despite the simple truth that major powers violate state sovereignty all the time, half of the times with the effective agreement of the country despite what they say in public. If that’s the price for the benefits we can bring a small country,

I don’t know. Let me put it this way, from what I’ve read in political science lit combined with some of the recent news about micro-targeting I’ve dug into a bit more than just reading short form stuff at Vox. There’s a huge debate on how effective it was, but I’m of the “scared it actually did work and is

FYI, Max Contrarian is a troll and should just be dismissed. No wonder the asshat is praising Bloomberg. 

Look at the rest. I know some people have criticized the way “neoliberal” is thrown around here, but it fits Bloomberg. His largely center-right economics would be a corporate wet dream. 

But Trump is setting it up so they won’t forget. I don’t for a second believe he does this consciously, but he has the right instincts to do it. Absent Trump and his loyal far-right media, I’d agree. With them spinning the false outrage and misinformation I’m not sure they can’t affect outside their bubble. Not that I

Even in normal times a campus isn’t the best place for conservative politicians. Hell I bet there’d be a handful of protesters even a Liberty because even Evangelicals don’t like family separation.

They’re a small part compared the journalists who do their job and don’t pontificate. They’re part of the elite class, the upper political class, whereas most journalists aren’t.

It’s an open question whether he’d pull more votes from the left or right to be honest, but since he wants to run as a Democrat I get the feeling it’d be the left. 

The media was not trying to shift the narrative, they got plenty of clicks out of the outrage. They had no incentive to shift it. What shifted it was all the pompous assholes who get paid to write columns and sit on the editorial boards getting offended and pulling the civility thing. But without her mistake there’s a

Bloomberg is center-right on far too many issues. He’s so “establishment” he makes Schumer look like a rebel. The banks and big corporations will love it because he’ll govern like a Republican from ‘90s. This isn’t even the whole Clinton “Third Way” moderate, he’s just downright center-right.

We need honor, not civility. Honor demands you face consequences or remain dishonored. Honor demands you address your failings, not politely agree never to discuss them. Honor demands justice while civility demands politeness.

She provided the impetus for Trump and his cronies to shift the narrative away from immigration and human rights abuses, crying children that did hit his poll numbers (it’s showing in the polls today, which is a bit delayed but sometimes big news like that takes a week or two to fully affect the data).

Completely unsurprised. ICE seems to be worse than even most PDs when it comes to macho stereotypes acting out power fantasies. They haven’t faced any real oversight under Trump, and their worst instincts are being powered up. Since it’s on topic, go look back at news reports from the first implementation of the

FYI, if you baselessly slander me as a racist and refuse multiple times to back up that slander with some evidence, you’re getting dismissed. Criticizing her style, which any honest person can admit is bombastic, is well within reasonable boundaries. 

Yes, she is an easy target because she’s black. But she’s an even easier target because of her style. That stuff doesn’t stick against other black politicians nearly as well, and that’s because of the style. As for more famous, more than Harris? I don’t disagree a lot of it is about punishing what racist voters view

Which dog whistles? Be specific. You don’t get to impugn my honor and then refuse to back it up. You made a serious accusation against me, so back it the fuck up. I was polite in the first response thinking you’d reasonably given all the bullshit lately, been on guard. But this response reads like straight up

Idiotic and racist? Well why don’t you back up those two claims with some evidence. I think it’s fairly clear she used less than ideal wording, and she’s made herself an easy target to hit for Trump and his base of racists. They’re going after Waters rather than other black women because her style is conducive to

Schumer is one of the worst tone-policers among the Democrats. He rarely misses an opportunity to submit to disengenious Republican narratives and undercut the progressive wing.