
The car was fine. It is your commute that sucks.


I don’t care what anyone says.

This is the same speech you gave when you dumped me. That was a really awkward trip to Olive Garden.

I can't get nearly that much for my thing. I'm gonna try a different truck stop.

I kinda want one of these. Pearlescent white with these

That is I-want-you-to-meet-my-dad-sooner-rather-than-later Jesus.

That is the magic of religion. You can make whichever Jesus you want.

Someone get Ross Marquand on the horn.

He pulled it off Strange's ant-blasted corpse.

I have dismissed a commenter who descended into harassing behavior. This action included a comment of yours.

You literally moved your own goal post here. Go ahead and read what you wrote.

My answer was correct. Pretending I should have known what you meant is the behavior of a child.

Busting that pipe open while pulling out of your driveway and overheating before the end of the street is the safest option here.


“I like when they say a movie is inspired by a true story, it means the movie is not a true story... Like, hey Mitch, did you hear the story about that lady who drove her children into the river and they all drowned? Yes I did, and it inspired me to write a movie about a gorilla!” — Mitch Hedberg

Things like this made a pessimist of me. 

He ungreyed, unpromoted comment is in this thread right now.

Why is Kinja’s latest hamfuck out of the grey?