Literal trash, eh?
Literal trash, eh?
And while we’re at it, fuck Susan Collins too. A posthumous fuck you to Arlen Specter as well.
Hey, remember when the 2008 Republican Vice Presidential candidate blatantly shit on McCain-Feingold by using campaign funds to buy fancy clothes for herself and her entire family, and her running mate, can’t recall his name, shrugged? Good times, good times.
You don’t even needs to speak out against torture, you just need to speak in defense of FACTS. Torture doesn’t work, and leads to false intel. There’s no need for a moral debate. Too bad the party of family values thinks data’s some mumbo jumbo uppity conceptual theory.
McCain-Feingold was good.
You know this motherfucker cancelled his February Town Hall events and people in AZ are fucking pissed. Also, just try to get anyone on the fucking phone at his Phoenix office. Fuck this guy. He’s a fucking coward.
I prefer mavericks who are actually mavericky.
Correct! The most accurate predictor of human decision making is not character traits, or personality, or values, but self-interest, and how one defines that self-interest.
Between this and the guns in schools, Republicans really are decimating the bears.
This is a major lesson I learned in this election. You can figure out exactly what conservatives are doing based on their accusations against liberals. I think their whole playbook could seriously be decoded now.
Thought the exact same thing. Trump’s “paid protestors” complait gets added to the long list of...
It would be difficult to construct a more perfect parody of protest concern-trolls than Steele’s apparently earnest post.
And if Sage Steele things LAX was a nightmare, just imagine trying to get across the Edmund Pettus Bridge back in the day.
Careful, Dan, otherwise you might lose your ESPY vote, too!
Exactly as MLK warned us about in “Letter from A Birmingham Jail”: “I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro’s great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen’s Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to ‘order’ than to justice;…
Not remotely as random as sharing economy handraisers in their private vehicles.
At least ESPN managed to silence Keith Law, that guy’s evolution takes were outrageous.
In this age of “ÜberCapitalism” (pun very much intended), it’s about time we, consumers, begin “to exploit” the big businesses as much as they’re prone to exploit us, whenever possible.
“a cynical corporate power grab that’s as opportunistic—if not more so—as Uber dropping surge pricing in correlation with a taxi strike.”