Ghiradelli's Dark Chocolate with Roasted Almonds and Sea Salt

I had no idea this was a thing- and I try so very hard to keep up on anti-abortion shenanigans as much as possible.

Anybody interested in the actual text of the bill can find it here (Arkansas’ SB 569).

So you’re saying you made a well thought out, reasonable decision about your health and your body; the people responsible for it did not judge or subject you to their personal bias; and your supportive partner was there for you and cared for you before, during and after.

If time has proven anything, it’s that Anita Hill is the best and Clarence Thomas is just the fucking worst).

My dad still talks about when I was 12 and got into a HEATED debate with my uncle about Anita Hill and Clarence Thomas, to the point my aunt thought I was rude. My dad always says he had never been prouder of me.

So are they trying to portray Biden as reluctant to act the way he did? That’s how it looked it the trailer. I’m curious to see if that’s actually true. But more importantly, KERRY WASHINGTON IS GOING TO SLAY US ALL. I’m so excited for this. Anita Hill is amazing. Kerry Washington is amazing. Clarence Thomas is the

Who would’ve thought, states that continuously cut taxes run out of money?


I know who it is! (Hint: he has 6 Lower Great Lakes Emmys)

shoutout to Jesse Helms for just being the fucking worst

I feel the same way. Why?

Most republicans go their whole careers without doing half the amount of damage to women’s rights that she did in the few months she was campaigning. In her crazy world that’s probably a real proud accomplishment.

ding ding ding!

She’s not totally wrong. Feminism IS about getting to choose who you want to be and to live exactly how you want. The problem is that you also don’t get to tell other people who they get to be/how to act/what they should do with their body.......

Oh, 100% Undisclosed is pro-Adnan, but there is also a lot of procedural detail they uncover that Sarah Koenig wasn’t able to get to. Rabia is certainly convinced of her little brother’s best friend’s innocence, but the other two hosts are just lawyers interested in the case; one of them is a professor of evidence law

can’t wait until someone tells her that she, too, will die like everyone else

I feel the same!

He may very well have done it, but it would seem there’s plenty of room for reasonable doubt.

I am not sure why you add the, “ducks” comment as I am surprised to learn that most people think he did it. After listening to Undisclosed, I definitely do not think he did it. I do think it was the serial killer lurking in the baltimore area during the same period who was arrested and died in prison. Or Mr. S. That

I just wanted to give you my pocket turtle