
“I’ve discovered something about the Skyline that holds true about the E46 BMW M3, stanced Golfs, and countless other cars: owning the car is a lot of fun. As long as you don’t go to any of the owner meet ups.” Hahahaha this is so on point.

Hey man, ask the guys with the stanced Golfs. They love em.

And so, I believe I’ve discovered something about the Skyline that holds true about the E46 BMW M3, stanced Golfs, and countless other cars: owning the car is a lot of fun.

The problem of getting old is I’m so aware of how much longer those aches and pains are going to be there. Also, these damn high deductible insurance plans... ugh

If I wasn’t old and knew that I’d injure myself, I’d would so do this!

I’d probably never do this, but I’m just happy that this exists.

I’m pretty sure that, up until now, I had managed to avoid seeing the inside of a PT Cruiser. No, really, I had never seen the dash. I have never been curious enough to look inside one. If I had to walk by one in a parking lot, I guarantee you I avoided looking at it closely enough.

With all due respect, this would have been moronic.

I liked the Veyron a lot because it shared the utterly straight faced look of early Bugattis. The same look on the E type Jaguar. It was completely emotionless in its stare. I at least got the impression that there was so much more emotion below the skin, like it wasn’t putting it all on show because it didn’t need

Please tell me you’re an hourly employee

Nice they got it ready in time for the Star Wars opening.

Remember how WWIII started in this one? A Russian fighter jet was mistakenly shot down over Syria.

And the damn design fault on these that made them take hard right turns into concrete barriers made them absolutely terrifying to drive.

Stop-start is just awful. I drove my aunts BMW and shut it off as soon as I figured out the reason why the AC was warming up in traffic and there was a delay when I hit the pedal at green lights.

These guys are the true wizards:

In order to maintain southern civility, the good state of North Carolina had all their charging stations (placed at rest stops along various interstates) removed. They had been installed under the previous (D) governor and the current (R) governor decided that they were “too costly” although the feds paid for them to

Disgusting as it was, that’s kinda what sealed me as a fan of Webber. To put yourself in a car in that condition and try to make it work...? It takes some serious Aus grit.

No they will just complain that this "man-woman" had to sacrifice her boobs instead of all the men adding 20lbs to their cars so she can race.