
Well, things went downhill really fast...

See Also:

Oh, sorry.

Hang on a sec... Lemme just...

I physically recoiled seeing both the exterior and interior.  Having spent the past weekend driving near an M2 comp....what a leap in the wrong direction

Adrian van Hooydonk makes Chris Bangle look like Michelangelo

I guess I’d haul this thing away for $650 if I had a tow truck.

Resize the window, that breaks the slide show and gives you a normal format

Didn’t Randy go off last time he was at Pikes Peak in a GTR as well?

I wonder if he’s ever driven on a track before. Did anyone ask before he started?

diesel suv, owner used gas, brought into shop.  Owner claimed did not use gas. Tech spilled “diesel”, car caught fire... Dumb video... 

I still can’t believe that shit.  Did The Situation get a job on the design team??


I feel I missed out on an opportunity to heckle aluminium.

This new engine is amazing! It will revolutionize the industry with new expectations for mpg across the board.

The fact that many here disagree with that utterly logical and soundly reasoned essay makes me realize that we have probably lost a generation to terminal politically correct groupthink .

Thus answering the question I didn’t realized I had, “if you put a sociopathic technocrat in a a room with nothing but a word processor and the sound of his own voice, what would he write?”

The actual reason is for NVH. There is typically a bunch of sound deadening material under them. Sometimes they even cover mass dampers.

Does anyone get the impression that Microsoft is getting tired of other people not doing their work for them?