
Still a lot smarter then us, unless you happen to be a billionaire. And he did not even have to work for it. Also, I hate to be THAT guy, but it looks rather convenient for shorting the company stock these tweets from an account created this month just for the purpose of accusing the ceo of rape.

This deserves all the stars.

I bought a running driving bmw 330ci for 900. Even had MOT, this is the ultimest crackiest pipest in the universe. 

Jokes on them I just closed the tab as soon as I saw the next slide button.

I would actually life time ban them from operating a motorized vehicle on public roads. Watching a fookin movie? I feel unsafe for taking my eyes of the road to look at my sat nav, cant imagine the level of care free disconnect you need to be able to watch a movie while your car is “driving itself” on the highway.

No, he just sucks.

Having seen this guy crash the GTR in 2015 at the same course, I think he just should not be in driving seat. Pikes Peak is clearly NOT his track!

So she does not even care about cars at all, I see why she works in the automotive industry.

I know right?

In case you were wondering how the car looks from the outside, I think this is it:

I just told the cop that I am automotive journalist.

“We can react to a suggestion-we can do something right now. We don’t have to go through elaborate procedures of putting through formal design changes. If we decide we don’t like something, we can take a hacksaw and cut it off.”

Front license plate delete. Made for weekly pullovers and awkward cop moments. My car also had the second dumbest modification, straight pipes. So I had to choose between staying behind the cop car and risk him noticing my lack of plate or overtake him and risk getting immediately pulled over for piercing his eardrum.

Pffff, everyone knows women cant drive.

Such a shame. I can say, with almost certainty, that WD was what made me trust myself and work on my own cars. I approached each job with this process, what would Edd do? I followed his advice and fixed my first damaged fender, did my first brake service, etc.

Why not RWD?

I dont understand how his burnout works. Does he have a way of discontenting drive to the front wheels or is this RWD converted?

What website am I reading? No way.

Its the year of dumb commercials, seriously.