
"If you're like me, you can remember the discrete moment when the zoo stopped being fun and started being sad;"

If you're like me, you can remember the discrete moment when the zoo stopped being fun and started being sad

He was just demonstrating how to properly say the car's name... "I-BENT-a-DOOR"

Can I bring my hot tub boat?

Challenge accepted.

U-Boat rotary glider - towed behind the sub - the pilot had a headset to communicate enemy ship positions.

The flying banana. Looked like someone stepped on the preproduction model and they just went ' fuck'll still fly'

I got this video to play in Firefox 10 ESR in Windows 98. Why? Because I'm INSANE

And we've come full circle back to the boxer engine layout!

The best one-wheel-peel that I've ever seen.

Just push it. You have to push the button with your foot on the brake to start the engine.

Thomassima 2, by the late great Thom Meade. The guy was a kid from Califirnia who hitched a ride to Italy in the early 60's and slept in garages to buy and modify cars. Brilliant stuff and a great story...

Definitely the 330 GT 2+2 Navarro.

I got this one.

You sir are the problem. Calling this behavior "white" behavior indicates your own personal level of racism. Are you going to say this feels "white?"
As a red necked American and NASCAR fan there is a very long tradition of after race fighting going back generations. It is part of our cultural heritage and should not

hooray, again when is the white community gonna step up and put a stop to all this thuggery consistently on display in nascar (this should be the new "first")

Oh, another thing noone is talking about, is WHO these girls are matters a lot in why the government's response is next to nothing.

Not windscreens made of glass, no. You use acrylic plastic for anything glass won't do, be it driving 1000mph or making a fish tank more than three feet tall.