
I clicked the Twitter link expecting the guys surname to be Parente.

these bastards making us feel, they're supposed to be desensitising us, not make us admire and feel good for someone

You almost never find Jews tinkering with their cars on the weekends or mowing their lawns.

He was later released by police and given $500. Apparently, Arizona's "Stand Your Ground" law needs a bit of tweaking.

Thank you Buzz Killington! lol

Give him something a bit better.

Ferrari should've just traded him a 400A for the site and called it "Ferrari gives a fan a Ferrari for starting a fan site!"

Absolutely breathtaking.

Sensationalized headlines used to make not-so-life-or-death stories sound like its LITERALLY LIFE OR DEATH is lame click baity garbage used to drive eyes to stories that don't deserve it.

That's the whole 1980s US diesel bust in a nutshell, isn't it?

Take a selfie and tweet something starting with OMG and ending with LOL

Full Dress Harley? That thing is half as wide as a small car. And, obviously a newbie... He locked up the back tire trying to stop, not to mention him blowing past the bike with the camera who appears to be waiting his chance.

He's a test driver. Please stfu and go away old man.

The trunk? Ballaban, they need air! You got to tie them to the roof rack!

For your consideration, I nominate the Anti-Fat-Shamers, Anti-Bulliers, Prius/Hybrid Drivers, Tea>Coffee people, and People with Strong Opinions on Climate Change.

For the love of all that is holy, DO NOT ask anyone at BMW to help with this!!!


One car was out of control. The other was stopped and fully under control. Mallucelli is a dildo and his lack of intelligence and caution fucked up his and other's day through stupidity. Kearby's was an error that fucked up his and someone else's day.

Yeah, that's not really the main thing I'm concerned with. It's more the whole police forcing you off the road and then they pretend "oh, yeah, it's voluntary, definitely". Yeah, when police, in uniform with lights and stuff at a roadblock, ask me to do something, it's already not voluntary.
