
NO! You can not install those speakers professionally!

I worked in the automotive industry as an engineer, and for my client at least, there was ONLY one goal. Quick fat profit. So if you can save 0,001 euros/part and replace a metal component with plastic, you do it. No one cares about cars here, there is no passion, and there is no pride, you just do what the boss man

This just made me sick, its not uncommon, but that does not make it less revolting. If that was my family I would make sure they got the same treatment as thsese worthless bags of shite:

You literally have to be retarded to think this is anything but fake news.

That is the funniest thing I heard today :)) Im sure the kikes do that as well.

Uber is good, I dont see why people hate it. When me and my homies get wasted its pretty easy to order an uber and not too expensive. The service is on average better then the one regular taxis offer, specifically paying with the credit card. I think you guys have it too good, come to Bucharest and get scammed by a

Why would you want to go to the traphouse of the galaxy?

In most modern cars this is a big no no, the car does not know what to do if you press both pedals, and most likely trigger a limp home mode.

When trying this for the first time, after getting used to apply light pressure so you dont hurl yourself trough the windshield, remember to take it slow before going full attack mode like this guy.

LOL, did not even know such a law existed.

I got this covered:

I didn’t read a thing, but you would have to braindead to think that a company that announces smartphones and cycles together with an electric super car is nothing but a scam.

What the hell was he expecting? Your friends are drunk and high so of course they will act responsibly and with care whilst going taco shopping in a hot hatch at 4 in the morning?

“First, I can’t believe that BMW would design a lock that cannot be physically opened from the inside.” Hint, they already did, my 2004 3 series turned to be a good place to lock up annoying girlfriends thanks to excellent soundproofing you can barley hear the screaming and whining.

LOL, just find a friend with an e46, and polity ask him to lock you inside. You will then polity have to beg him to release you from his german prison. THERE IS NO OVERRIDE!

Meanwhile muslim scientists discover devolution.

April 23 1945, a week later this shit started. Still cant believe its real.

What chassis is that? Im more interested in the full electric car rather then this gimmick.