
That looks concerningly similar to then e46 lower rear arm, stamped steel with a small tack on it. Should I get adjustable arms?

also the guilty drive will be fined, which I think is the key here. if you are driving like an idiot you will eventually lose your license and pay a lot more money on insurnace

At least you’re not a gypsy.

It IS a Giant vent!

Where teh hell did they get those cute wheels?

Now playing

We too have one of those hills in Romania, its become quite the tourist attraction.

It was about time. I enjoyed the show myself, but you what they say, when the pussy gets stale, you got to change it. They just kept the same routine until it got old, I much rather see a fresh format and a new set of hosts.

I hate the CHP more than ever now. I think they should take their mustaches and their Batman utility belts and their fucking Kenny Loggins songs and shove them up their collective ass.

Car was totaled, no deal.

Drift Allstars, eastern europeans must love drifting as the turn up was just crazy. Just as crazy as Ismail Salih driving his E46 all the way back using his hands due to a snapped throttle wire.

You can, for instance, use the Internet to order toilet paper with Sudoku on it. You can use it to send instant messages to your friends when you're seated at an automotive press event and the engineer has just said "spindle velocity" for the third time. Or you can use it to tell everyone that you own a Lamborghini,

My E65 is a ticking time bomb!

Yeah, that sounds like a good plan, if you are clinically insane!

Srsly, the a45 is just an expensive pos.


Old people are pretty stupid or deaf, or both. She could have have had a great time somewhere else with that money, instead she chose to live her last years in a construction site. Cant reason with old.