
Almost awesome. I don't like the furry look to the characters, they look too clean, and why tunnels? The setting of tropical island and tunnels feels kinda bland. I like what it's attempting though.

Doctor: "Hnnnggg!!" *pffffftt*

For gargling?

Looks really good, but remember AC6 where they had side by side shots with the game and real photographs? I don't think the new game quite holds up, not that it really matters I guess.

If the new terminator doesn't follow the canon established in The Sarah Conner Chronicles then it's not Terminator. Seriously what's so fucking hard to understand about this? It was a bloody good show, with awesome characters, and a great storyline, and it just got thrown away for that god awful 4th movie.

It's funnier when you replace "owling" with "shitting".

I'm all in favor of a polished product over something rushed with too much added junk. I won't be in the mood to sink my teeth into modded content for at least a year after the initial release. The only thing I ask for, in light of there being no mod support for awhile, is TrackIR support for aircraft.

This hurricane is doing a great job of identifying the stupid. First it's a reporter who stands in the middle of an evacuated area getting putrid sea-foam all over his face, now it's a nation of under educated people who can't even identify a common possum.

Not bad. Reminds me of Freespace. That said, I'd be more interested if there was a cockpit view rather than just a guncam view. I want to feel like I'm piloting a starfighter, not a debug camera.

I don't care what anyone says, I like the first movie, and this looks like it's gonna be awesome.

ssssshhhh- bzztttzzooweeooverything you could possibly need, forever! Well that concludes our instructional program.


I think game companies should start blaming society for inspiring them to make violent video games.

Step to the left

Is vampire shit like bat guano? Can I use it for fertilizer?

I don't see how you can produce accurate results when people will prioritize the books they have actually read. If I haven't read more than half of those books I shouldn't be allowed to vote.

After reading Robopocalypse, I don't think I would react too well.

This can happen in any situation where you are sitting for a long time. I believe there has been at least 1 similar death of an airline passenger on a 12 hour flight. Could also happen in an office job where you are working overtime, long bus ride, whatever.

I will pay money for access to a modern day dirtbike in RDR. Why is this so hard for anyone to understand? Old game + awesome = money.

I'm 40 and love a good game like a good book, but the older I get the less patience I have for shitty games with poorly designed checkpoints, unskippable cinematics, and boring/repetitive level design. Sadly these days, spamming the A button does about as much for skipping ahead to the good parts of a game as it does