
@ wildmatt via shufflemoomin: OWNED!

Dear io9, all the pictures in this artical are squished.

More like Star Trek..."Poo"!

Riddick: "It's been a long time since I smelled beautiful."

I'm a little disappointed that there are aren't any posts claiming that the test doesn't work for them. Isn't this the usual kinda thing where the cyborgs and superheros chime in?

Ah the mighty warriors. Their chanting for their God, their manic shreaking for bloodshed, and the summoning of their diety as it takes the sacrifice of flesh!!

I've got one they could use, a bit of a clunker but with a little elbow grease she'll be right as rain. Sadly, her top speed is only about 719000 km/hr, but as far as sustainability and reliability she has no equal. Primary nuclear furnace produces 3.8 x 10^26 watts/sec. Has self sustaining gravity, oxygen, food, and

The more youtube vids I see on ArmaII the more interested I am, looks like III is coming out just in time for when I get my new gaming rig! I wonder what aircraft it will have!

One thing that irks me is how the guns on modern military aircraft are portrayed completely wrong in mainstream entertainment. Nearly all modern aircraft have a single gun that fires anywhere between 4000 to 6000 rounds per minute. They don't go rat-a-tat-tat or budda-budda-budda. The go Buuuzzzz! or Braaaaaaap! or

It isn't friendly whatever it is.

I hate, HATE it when subtitles are on by default. I understand that you need to make sure a game can be enjoyed by people who are deaf or for people who are not familiar with the main language, but that's what main menus are for, so people who need subtitles can turn them on before playing (Ideally this would be

Thirded. Fuck them all.

The diference being that this stuff is awesome in video games, but super dumb in real life.

He's totally watching porn in that thing.

Sorry Gabe, while admirable in theory it's a horrible idea in practice. There are enough popularity politics online without attaching a financial benefit/penalty to them.

Missing Star Wars: The Clone Wars

I didn't mind the character too much in Warehouse 13, since it's a bit of a goofy loveable show, but a whole show about a H-She Wells? Part of me feels like poor Mr. Wells is roling in his grave... or maybe he'd love the idea, wtf do I know.

I tried a few times to get into it, at the urging of my fellow sci fi reader buddy, to read this. I can never get past the first couple chapters. On the other hand, I've been trying to get him into reading Dune and he has the same problem.

I might get one if it had motion sensors triggering speech from the game, as well as being able to say "Hey!" and "Put me down!" when you picked it up, and "AAAAAAAH!" when you let it tumble down some stairs.