
Goodbye blue Monday!

Hate to say it, but I'd be more inclined to purchase Fallout 3 and New Vegas DLC if the core games were shorter. Don't get me wrong, I love a nice long campaign (and I am a bit of a completionist as well), but by the time I was done with Fallout 3 I was fully satisfied, and finally by the time I was developing an

There is a special place in my heart for 321 contact. It was exactly the right show at the right time of my life. That and Cosmos.

"She said, 'I love it when you squeeze my boobs!'"

Wow what a horrible idea! Sorry, the actors are too old. TOO OLD! I mean Sarah I can understand, but Kyle and the Terminator? Arnold is too old to be a terminator (maybe he's the human who they based the model on?) and Kyle died when he was young. The only way they can do it is to either mix CG characters with live

I think the concept is cool (if I'm understanding it correctly). I always thought the idea of time travel into the past as a means of global expansion would be a cool story, though I'd rather see it set in a less prehistoric setting. Earth gets invaded by future earth kinda thing.

Damn. This game has totally diverged from what I thought it would be. All that innovation was cool when I first heard about it, but ultimately it all seems rather derivative since it just seems to amount to making an easier version of Team Fortress.

Now playing

Not condemned to pop culture obscurity per se, but Marv is the best barbarian ever!

That trailer gave me a 3D boner.

Agreed. The make-up, prothetics, and puppetry in Farscape was a billion times better than what could ever be achieved through CGI.

Looks great! Not a fan of having to pay for boosters though.

"American Panther"?! WTF that just sounds stupid, even for a comic book superhero. How about changing Daredevil to American Devil.

Also, duck penises are corkscrewed, as are duck vaginas, but they are both in opposite directions. Duck vaginas have many openings but only one actually leads to the uterus, an evolutionary defense against inevitable raping from male ducks. Totally not even making this up.

A few District 9 inspired guns in there.

Silent Running.

It's a pretty cool story. When the show first aired when I was a little kid it was the first apocolypse movie I had seen where the end of the world actually registered, and the mind fuckery of it all probably messed me up forever. Watched it again recently and I had to laugh at how retarded it looks, but the story

"Get that thing outta my face!"

Way to totally miss the point.

Wait, what is this article actually about? Earthquakes? Naked Comedians? Video game peripherals? Pokemon? It's all Japanese I guess but damn this is some pretty random shit.