
This may (probably) not be good news. Release dates schedules are mostly up to the publisher, not the development studio, who may have hoped to have the extra week to polish off issues with the game. I could be wrong, hope I am. It IS only a week, but I would have gladly waited a week knowing it was put to good use

(smashes bottle) This is BS! I totally agree with you! (slash poke) And I won't stand for it! (punch pummel)

Was pretty funny still they start gettin in people's faces. I love improv but getting in people's space and being disruptive is actually pretty lame.

Only if Joanna Lumley gets to be her sidekick. Would love to see the two of them spilling out of the Tardis totally wasted.

Yeah good point.

I propose i09 become a Whedon Free zone. Seriously, what's the point of the rest of us who like ALL science fiction being here if we just end up having our party crashed by a bunch of kooks who think Firefly is the only scifi there is.

I don't think it's funny. It's actually pretty sad. Not fun seeing the mental health of loved ones deteriorate. Not saying I love CS but I've seen friends and family go through something similar. Pretty scary.

Is there an external link to the video? Runs crappy on this site.

Clearly noise level is the main issue.

What is Sony actually guilty of? I don't buy this "punishment" motivation at all. Dude broke the rules, dude should have to take responsibility for his actions. What statement is actually being made here? As far as I can tell hacking PSN is just the usual BS hackers motivation of "We're bored, let's be shitty to

I think it looks pretty cool! Never followed the GL comics at all, so maybe it will inspire me. Will wait for some reviews though, just in case it turns out to be another suckerpunch.

I'm done. No longer a browncoat. I cannot in good conscience be associated with a fanbase of blind idiocy that would, just for the sake of their little club, vote for a movie that is clearly inferior to the what is widely regarded as the best science fiction movie ever made.

ALL HAIL THE MIGHTY COSMIC RIBBON! May it bind us together like a giant space present to our neighbors beyond!

WOAH Woah woah... wait a second. Okay my bad for missing the last couple rounds... but Serenity?!

Why did I have to click a link that lead to gawker with the exact same headline with a link back to i09?

Fucking kick ass! But where did the charger, corvette, armored vehicles, and cobra attack helicopter come from?! Never seen those in game!

Why this obsession with getting energy from creating pressure? You need to be super careful so the pressure doesn't get released all at once, but sooner or later something is going to give, cuz that what pressure does. Seems like a better idea to collect stable energy that is already freely flowing around us than it

I posted that before I realized that [source] is actually a link to the article. My bad. Actually, no screw that, a headline that leads to a 2 paragraph story with a link that leads to the rest of the story is silly. It's like reading a book with half a story concluded with a request to read another book with both

LOL. you just made me laugh my skull out.