
And now a super exciting headline with no article. Why not just post it here? Is "Adriasang" a better sight?

This is relevant to gaming how? What's with these super short non gameing related posts? This just looks like a headline with no story.

Okay nothing to do with games, and WTF does eating chinese food have to do with sex dolls?

Pleased to see most of these results, mainly Galaxy Quest vs. Avatard. However:

Skyrail gameplay looks hella fun!

Accodring to the internets:

Because it's awesome.

I agree with them and glad they recognize that. Yes, SOTC was an absolutely fantastic game, but nevertheless overrated. I didn't mind having to trek vast distances to find the next collossus, but the actual collossi battles could have been much more enjoyable. What gameplay do you add when you fall off and have to

Not intended to be a weapon, but I always though the concept of "Ice 9" in Kurt Vonnegut's "Cat's Cradle" was a pretty scary. From wikipedia:

I just like to lay in the darkness thinking about all the horrible things that happened to me that day and how I'm going to cope with all the horrible things the next day has to offer. I wake up with my face in a puddle of tears and tufts of my own hair between my fingers, but at least I slept.

Gee I dunno if that stupid fucking doritos videos would stop covering the link maybe I could watch the fucking video.

That hurt.

Prequel! I think it would be cool to tell the story of Roy, Leon, Priss, and Zora (and Hodge and Mary before they got killed in an "electrical field") and how they went rogue and fled to earth.

To be honest I'd rather just see an animated series that directly follows the comics. Same goes for Naussicaa.

Gravity. The more massive something is the more gravity is has. This is pretty impressive when you think about the sun being a gigantic perpetuating nuclear explosion that is a million times the volume of the Earth!

Because "horrendous space kablooie" is now my favorite thing ever, I won't chastize you for your sounds in space comment ;)
