
If there's gonna be a americanized live action version of any anime it should be Robotech. Isn't that already an americanized version of Macross anyways? Most of the character's nationalities are mixed so what the hell (Hayes, Gloval, Grant, Hunter, Folker, Sterling, Lin, etc.)

Isn't this kinda what happens in the new transformers movie?

Just got a new flightstick, so I'll be playing Apache: Air Assault, IL2- Wings of Prey, and Ace Combat 6. I might do some HAWX, but I'm not really a fan of those games.

RDJ? Oh totally, as soon as people saw him with the stark-stache he was a shoe-in! Badonkadonk? Hell yeah (it's a good thing)! It's not the best I've got but it's the best I've seen :) Christina Hendricks has got it going on. She has a body so bangin' you can only describe with sound effects, many of which are too

Pretty sexy, too bad there are no more flight sims out there to warrant me buying something like that. Maybe MS Flight, but unless I can fly fighters in combat missions then it's still pretty steep.

I'm sorry but Christina Hendricks as Wonder Woman? Have you seen her body? I mean yeah the woman is hot as hell but she's got too much badonkadonk to be Wonder Woman. Wonder Woman is supposed to be exotic, Christina Hendricks may be like a "drop of strawberry jam in glass of milk", but she's not exotic looking. The

Nice to see RDR on there but I'm not a fan of casual games. I'm concerned about this shift in the idustry from AAA titles to the casual market. I want my GTA's and Dead Spaces and Mass Effects and all the big kick-ass titles.

Good god this website is so broken. I know it doesn't seem like a relevant comment- sorry, "thread", but god dammit I just want a bigger image without explorer crashing. This never used to happen. I also never had to read the comme- threads to figure out that if I hover over some arbitrary spot on an image I could

They should just stay at opposite ends if it's so damned usefull to be there! The sun terrifies me. What it momentarily or permanently stops working like it has been and we all burn or freeze!? Everything we are and will be is tied to the fate of a crazy giant nuclear explosion in space!!!

Sigourney Weaver was looking her hottest in this movie. Shwing.

They're onto us! Fire the maple cannon!

I grew up playing text based adventures like Suspended, Witness, Planetfall, etc. Each game with a whole bunch of items, some decorative, some useful. The decorative stuff was nice, but the useful items were the bomb. They were not critical, you could lose them and still finish the game, but they certainly added to

My List, in order of ships I wish I owned (last to first, and not including starfighters): 10) Thunder Road (Explorers) 9) Alexei Leonov (2010: Odyssey 2) 8) Serenity (Firefly) 7) Gomtuu aka Tin Man (Star Trek TNG) 6) SDF-1 (Robotech) 5) Trimaxian Drone Ship aka Max (Flight of the Navigator) 4) Millennium Falcon (Star

Weird, you can't really get any sense of scale. 1:19 looks like crystal growth under an electron microscope.

@Dr Emilio Lizardo: Maybe he was supposed to wear white sheets to look like a scary gho- oh that doesn't work either :/

Now playing

German Darth Vader is so freakin' badass!

So it it just because of the noise? Is it simply stating that traffic noise can increase blood pressure and decrease how much rest you get? Is it because of exhaust fumes?

While I'm 100% against stores selling used games, I'm not at all about to blame consumers for buying used games.

Of course. As soon as anything bad happens the media has to blame whatever exists that is similar. If it wasn't a video game they'd find a TV show,, or movie, or famous novel, or play, or home appliance, or whatever. They used it to train? That's just stupid. When 9/11 happened they immediately blamed microsoft flight