
They can have my laser when they pry it from my cold dead hands!

Wow, what a huge slut!

I'm kinda over the superheroes whose alter ego's have full time jobs.

Totally agree. Well said, Winda!

Weak. The game looks pretty sick, but if this piece meant to showcase the sound design of guns it fell pretty short. They all sound gutless if you ask me. They need to sound more chunky/bassy.

YES!! Can't wait for this game!

@Brian Crecente: Yes, but that's not the point, the point is how COD uses them. It's bad design when you're told to hunker down and survive somewhere, only to run out of ammo and die because the cover you chose was 2 feet away from the trigger volume that tells the enemies to stop coming. If there is a clear goal

"Fahey's Reply: ...I spent the better part of 20 minutes stuck in a corridor shooting a never ending wave of enemies, with no visible indication whatsoever that simply crossing the hallway into a certain room was what I needed to do in order to progress the story along."

@Tenno: The believability ain't the issue, it's the gross out factor. If someone blows their nose all over the place, or jizzes all over the place, or ejaculates any bodily fluid, it's just plain gross no matter how charming they are. If I was in marvel land, walking around NY, and put my hand in spidey spooge, or if

I've been beating this horse so long I skinned it and made a drum out of it.


@dragon9770: I agree, but to be fair, the policy of "no bomb threats" has been around long before 9/11. That said they didn't freak the bejeezuz out of people like they do today.

I can only imagine that when confronted with this the kids acted like little douchebags, because if the kids were genuinely sorry I would say their punishment is going way overboard.

What's the point? I mean other than a quick cash grab everything has already.... ooooooh!

If he ain't crying like a little bitch all the time and doesn't make webs out of *shivvers* arm jizz then yeah he's gonna be great!

Oh hooray!! Thewper Heroes!!

This show needs to go away. How does it have a second season when so many other better shows get canceled?

@Golem100: Yeah Teeth was an awesome movie! I like that it has a more realistic spin on it, more sci-fi than horror IMO.

Not sure why I would want to see crappy CG in with even more clarity. Every time I see a movie with CG in HD, the CG looks like B.S. (Avatar being the exception).

@johnjosephadams: Well it should still be interesting I guess. I was kinda hoping for an illustrated encyclopedia of power armor from movies, games, and literature:)