Duke Tango

just whipped this up

*Random nerd doesn’t listen to Connor, launches Skynet*

It was, but then Rittenhouse went back and something something, and now it’s been canceled.

I was hoping this would be the case, as I was re-watching some episodes this weekend and not wanting them to get off of their rotation.

This is great, as my roommate and I just paid $3 to watch a particular episode I wanted him to see.

Yea, but I bet Barry’s porn list would be worth sharing from the sheer awesomeness of it all.

Eh, for a long gameplay trailer, it adds a bit of texture to it, especially if the game’s characters aren’t going to be saying anything. And there were a few bits in there that worked for me, just needs to have more snark and joking with each other instead of being so dry and technical.

I don’t know what compels game developers to write the script for “voice chat” It comes off cliched and cringeworthy

The trick is to mouth the word “watermelon” at different speeds without fully enunciating.

Im really not that religious due to the fact that I do not want to be associated with Evangelist ideas. Keep in mind that our president has said a lot of shit for decades, but only now a double standard is ok when applied to a talk show host? But no no no, Our Christian President can and will be forgiven for

We hope it’s soon.

I’m tearing up right now from this article and the early comments. Ok now I’m crying.

The frikkin’ dust in this house...

And we’re all headed toward this:

I love how this show gives small but important clues about things that aren’t completely obvious. For all the doubts the show builds up that Holden might really just be hallucinating Miller, there’s one key thing that proves immediately that this isn’t something he’s imagining: Miller’s goddamn hat. We the audience

This show is amazing at ramping up the tension over, and over, and over again. The level of quality it has maintained this season is truly incredible. I’m so happy we are getting a fourth season.

You know what I love about Amos? Intentionally or not, he comes off as having Asperger’s. I so identify with his reactions to things, not the violence but that “that does NOT compute “ look he has. For someone with Asperger’s, even if the character isn’t, it is nice to identify with a character FOR ONCE.

Watching this video explain the amount of work this went into, I’d say that any semantic statement of “it’s not really running snes games,” while technically correct, should probably put its head down and let this thing shine. This isn’t Mymatevince plugging in some adapters and going “woooo technology” like a scooby