Duke Tango

Oh how soon you forget how women fighters in Battlefield 1 ruined the game’s realism.

If the election is shown to be fraudulent then we need to go a step further. We need to completely Abrogate the entire presidency, all EO’s, all Bills signed into Law, all Appointments etc made null.

You should give it a read. In his own opinion, which he tells us is both intelligent and important, he is a great American and we need more like him. If you need citations, just ask him, he’ll spout off for an hour or so.

You have dope kids.

“...proudly wore the damn thing while scanning every single person within range to not only make sure everyone saw their hat but also ensure that people knew it was on purpose.”

Should go quickly if he teams up with Daredevil, or finds a blindfold.

Ok, so, developers and producers, take note. This is how you maintain a game.

I always liked NMS, I never bought into the hype, and it was what it was. Played it with my wife, too. I take breaks in between, but with this update, I will be jumping headlong into it with her again. We love co-op games.

They are making a multiplayer focused game. In what universe does someone publish that for switch? I know switch supports online play, but it’s not even remotely well implemented. They’d be fools to make the game for Switch.

i love these so much.

“Drunk Chris Evans does not give a fuck.” this needs to be a thing. Who ever made all these laughing Chris gifs please give us some “Drunk Chris Evans does not give a fuck” gifs.  

Or, you could have a boss who’s quietly competent and professional, and respects boundaries?

I’d rather have a consistent asshole for a boss than a guy who throws shit around during work then plays buddy-buddy when you’re walking to the car. Yeah let me awkwardly pretend that the very thought of you doesn’t make me physically ill on Sunday nights, nice weather isn’t it?

Could’ve saved the county a few thousands dollars by just letting it get run over by traffic like God intended.


The article will be titled: “Why buy a new Keurig machine when you can buy this five year old Alfa Giulia instead?”

The robots’ dialogue will all be in Japanese, but the dogs will speak English.

Given how much I enjoyed Hook as a kid (and how watching it as an adult after Robin’s passing makes it impossible not to be emotional about it) I am totally in for this. The trailer alone gave me massive flashbacks about me as a kid being a huge Pooh fan... I’d completely forgotten.

My idea for a talk show is one that stars Jeff Goldblum, but instead of him interviewing celebrities, celebrities come on and interview him.

It’s like a clip from a robot infomercial. “Has this ever happened to you?”